
Just a quick question 'bout NeHe's lesson 10

Started by March 23, 2001 10:03 PM
1 comment, last by SpencerX2K 23 years, 8 months ago
As I was scanning through the source... I saw that... well.. take a look:
for (int vertloop = 0; vertloop < 3; vertloop++)		// Loop Through All The Vertices

		readstr(filein,oneline);				// Read String To Work With

		// Read Data Into Respective Vertex Values

		sscanf(oneline, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z, &u, &v);
		// Store Values Into Respective Vertices

		sector1.triangle[triloop].vertex[vertloop].x = x;	// Sector 1, Triangle triloop, Vertice vertloop, x Value=x

		sector1.triangle[triloop].vertex[vertloop].y = y;	// Sector 1, Triangle triloop, Vertice vertloop, y Value=y

		sector1.triangle[triloop].vertex[vertloop].z = z;	// Sector 1, Triangle triloop, Vertice vertloop, z Value=z

		sector1.triangle[triloop].vertex[vertloop].u = u;	// Sector 1, Triangle triloop, Vertice vertloop, u Value=u

		sector1.triangle[triloop].vertex[vertloop].v = v;	// Sector 1, Triangle triloop, Vertice vertloop, v Value=v

Why are 7 floating point values scanned, and only 5 stored? It's probably a really stupid question... but you were all beginners too None of you were born with a laptop in 1 hand and a C++ Programming book in the other LOL, anyway, thanks for any responses I get :D -Spencer Quirk 3D Modeller/Wannabe Programmer Edited by - SpencerX2K on March 23, 2001 11:04:46 PM
-Spencer Quirk3D Modeller && Webmaster && Creative Mind Owner && MCSE Training && Wannabe C++ Programmer
Hmm. I''d say it''s a bug/typo, change it to only 5 and see if it works. There are only 5 values on each line in the data file.
Yeah thats what I was thinking too.. however.. the program seems to run just fine as it is... perhaps he was showing us that values scanned, but not stored just get NULLified

-Spencer Quirk
3D Modeller && Webmaster && Creative Mind Owner && MCSE Training && Wannabe C++ Programmer :D
-Spencer Quirk3D Modeller && Webmaster && Creative Mind Owner && MCSE Training && Wannabe C++ Programmer

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