
My answers

Started by March 17, 2001 02:52 PM
10 comments, last by Spura 23 years, 10 months ago
Manutd : Ask some Slovenian guy. And those from Cleveland won't do.

Well I used NeHe's tutorials. Therefore I used OpenGL.dll and so on. Are they software mode drivers? I don't remember anything about using software mode drivers. Should I use Glide3.dll and so on?

Doesn't OpenGL do hidden surface removal(using depth buffer)?
Now Tetris was lame in Delphi, Pacman was something better also in delphi. It was slow on P100, because of graphics(windows bitmaps) and AI. AI was cool but raw force pathfiding algorithm.
Like all my programming .

I uploaded non-source version(because it is almost full 1.44 diskette) to yahoo. I'll send it to somebody.

Edited by - Spura on March 20, 2001 9:22:53 AM
Give us a break, go learning OpenGL, read the REd and BLue books, 3d computer litterature (foley and Van damn books), doc about 3d hardware, learn maths, vectors, projections , trigonometry and come back.

Simply don''t ask us to teach you everything this forum is not here for that, and we have no time, if we would have enough time we would have helped NeHe.

Also check FAQ ,this should help you.

Finally some answers that don''t change anything to the list of things you got to learn before coming back :p

Opengl32.dll is a software library, if your card has an OpenGL ICD driver (see OpenGL FAQ) it''ll install it and windows will use it properly.
(And you''ll get hardware acceleration)
You can ask OpenGL the driver name (go look into the red or blue book)

OpenGL does HSR via Z-buffer.
However you need to clip by yourself and to suppress hidden surfaces by yourself to help OpenGL.
(See tutorials on 3d engines, books on 3d computer graphics)

That''s all.
And don''t forget to learn everything I told you.

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-

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