

Started by November 30, 2006 05:33 AM
2 comments, last by Kohlschnitzel 18 years, 3 months ago
hey eeryone, I got ZBRUSH just a little wighle ago and I have no Idea how to use it. I went threw a few tuts and I still have no Idea. Can anyone help me out here? I am totally new to modeling but the coding is getting to hard to manage now that I am getting into more complex things. I wanted to try something new anyways. Can anyone help me out?
Are you using ZBrush 2.0? It's an amazing software.

I think it's odd: the tutorials aren't helping you? Have you tried those real-time interface tutorials? They're incredibly helpful and informative, and like I said, they operate in real time on the interface so you understand exactly how to do it. I can't imagine how those aren't helping you out. Beyond that, just devote some time to just screwing around. The best way to learn is just by doing; trial and error.

Kult House - Fresh Production Media

I can't figure out how to select models :S that is one of my bigest probs.
I only now of the Demo of ZBRUSH 1 (.5?) but there you can not "select" your models.

You have only one 3D Object at one time which you can edit and rotate, etc. Once outside the editing mode, e.g. another tool used (or even selected), the model is "baked" to the painting plane. Which is then "2.5D".

But your model is not lost. In the tool panel, every object you create, creates a new tool in there. So you can select it, take it to your editing plane and there edit the 3D object again. However, afaik, these tools don't get saved with your work, you have to export and import them, in order to have a 3D Model saved.
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