I guess, at the energy scale I'm thinking for the next few decades, it would take several shots to take down a massive ship. But it would have to be a HUGE ship to soak up 5 terajoules without disintegrating. mybe a large portion of it could be plain water. Latch onto a random comet and use it as armour?
Actually, the solution to this is not to make heavier ships to absorb the energy of the impact, but to make lighter ships that allow the shot to penetrate the ship and leave out the other side. That way you don't absorb the energy and it does far less damage.
All you need is a thin hull that offer very little resistance to the shell, but is capable of self repair (maybe memory metal, a 2 part foam, etc) and these powerful weapons are next to useless (however, missiles become the killer weapons as they spread their energy over a larger area).
To avoid hull breaches, all you need to do is evacuate the air from the ship and put everyone is space suits and connect the air supply directly from the ship's life support system to the suits (with a backup on-board supply with the suits).
You could almost perforate the ship and it would not reduce its effectiveness much. If all systems had several backups, then this kind of ship would not be taken down easily by rail guns.
Hmm, a lightly armoured ship, with weapons capable of taking out a heavier armoured ship, sounds like a bomber to me.
Ok. I think you are not quite understanding my point about the ships. Don't think of them as a fighter plane or a bomber plane. But think of them as a ship designed to take out a specific type of ship.
So you would have an:
Anti capital ship (this is the bomber)
An Anti-Anti capital ship (the fighter)
and an Ant-Anti-Anti capital ship (the capital ship its self).
If you have a capital ship, then the enemy will design a ship that is effective at destroying your capital ships. To counter this you will design ships that are capable of destroying their anti capital ships, and so on. Any arms race inevitably leads to combined arms.
The Fighter, Bomber, Capital is just the simplest one.
A fighter/bomber zooming around dodging missiles and that from a ship to get close enough to fire off their shots isn't going to happen.
Again, you are not taking in what I am saying. The Bombers will not be "Zooming" around, they will form at a position outside the effective range of a capital. This would be at a point where their targeting/sensor system does not allow a clear shot at them. Remember at a distance of 1 light second (roughly the distance between the earth and the moon, not far really) being 0.1 degrees off target will mean that you would not be able to hit a decent size target (like a capital ship even).
A fast moving projectile (say a guided rail gun shell) could still be easily avoided if the ships can move fast enough. Also due to the time light takes to travel, the capital ship would see the bombers with a 1 second delay. So to stay out of the firing line, all they would have to do is strafe perpendicular to their target and change their heading ever second. This technique would even make them immune to lasers as weapons.
These missile boats/bombers would be able to stay at this range and use guided missiles to target the bigger and therefore less manoeuvrable capitals with ease and they would never have to "get in close".
How could a capital defend it's self against this?
They could launch their own guided missiles, but then the bombers could still employ counter measures, and being small enough targets, far smaller than a capital ship, actually avoid them. Also if the bombers had a screen of interceptor that could target the incoming missiles from the capital, this would further screen them from the counter attacks of the capital.
The only resort the capital has is to launch ships fast enough and manoeuvrable enough to close with the bombers (if the capital attempt to close, then bombers could just accelerate faster and re-establish their distance). These small fast/high acceleration ships would be able to get within range of these bombers and destroy them. These interceptor ships would also be useful for targeting incoming missiles from the bombers much as the fighter screen around the bombers protected the bombers from the capital's missiles.
So again, we come down to the Fighter, Capital, Bomber combination.
If all you had was a capital ship with missiles and point defenses, this fighter and bomber combination would obliterate you as the larger, more massive capital could not hoe to match the manoeuvrability of the bombers, and the fighters would screen the bombers from any slower moving ordinance that could be used to home in on the bombers.
What possible strategy or tactic could the slower capital have against this kind of coordinated attack. And remember at no time would these fighters and bombers get closer than 1 light second.
So it is not down to the power of the weapons. High speed weapons at that range are next to use less (as they will not be able to accurately target the ships due to the speed of light) and slower moving weapons are destroyed by the fighter screen. If fast moving weapons are out, and slow moving weapons are out, what is left?
These ships are not dodging bullets, but foiling the targeting systems of their target (you can't hit what isn't there - float like a butterfly, sting like a bee and all that).
How many fighters do you plan to field? Small fighter, very limited amount of ammo, or do you plan to use some reactor based ammoless system?
Well that is dependant on the weapons type and the design of the fighter. As I have said previously, you could convert a bomber to act as a resupply for the fighters and so even with limited ammo, the strike force would still be able to have some staying power. But, the other advantage of having the re-usable weapons platforms is that once they have expended their ammo and fuel, they could return to the capital which would have a much larger store (or if you wish to keep the capital hidden if the fighters and bombers are tracked, then they could just rendezvous with a supply ship from a modified bomber).
So my capitals are harder to track, I can launch strike forces that can remain outside the effective weapon fields from you capitals and I can cover more areas with sensors (due to the fighters/scouts). Even if we were matched in number of ships (that is for each of my fighters or bombers you would have a capital), I would still hold the advantage simple because I can hit you and you can't hit back and I can find you much more easily that you can find me.