
UV Maps in Maya?

Started by October 28, 2006 01:27 PM
6 comments, last by bigben85 18 years, 3 months ago
Hi! I have created a simple door in maya. How do I lay out the UVs in Mayas Texture Editor (so that the different pieces a laying beside each other, ex the actual door on one place, the metal bars beside that) so that I can create an image to paint in Maya. Also, how do I create the actual image after laying out the UVs and how do I get the painted image back on the model? Thanks/ Robin
Did you bother to read through the built in tutorials on the UV Texture Editor?
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nope...hate the included sucks and I get pissed of everytime i try to read anything from it.

I have made a planar mapping, and I have also placed the different pieaces at different spot in the 0-1 coordinate system... what I cannot understand is how to save a picture of the UV layout and then how to place the painted picture on the object.


[Edited by - RobinOfSweden on October 28, 2006 2:58:03 PM]
>>nope...hate the included sucks and I get pissed of everytime i try to read anything from it.

You are going to get nowhere with that attitude... the documentation is actually quite excellent, and it includes a number of tutorials, as well as a definition of every function and option and command in the entire program. Until you've made the effort to help yourself, why should we make the effort to help you?

I will answer you question though because its quite simple, apply Automatic Mapping (is that what its called in your cracked version of Maya 8 I'm sure you're using?), and use the "Move and Sew" tool. What's move and sew? I guess you'll have to look it up.
And whats with that attitude then? Why do you just assume im using a cracked version. Im in school learning game developemnt. All students are allowed to have a copy of Maya on their computers during the time they are in school, though we havent started with 3D just yet... so plz stop occusing others for using cracked software in the future...

Because the only condition where not taking the effort to help yourself by using the documentation is acceptable is if you are using a cracked version. If indeed you are in a school program, you are making a long term committment, and cannot even take the effort to learn something like laying out UV's and placing a File node on a Lambert shader, it shows a very weak will and honestly, a very weak foundation for the rest of school.
I just want to say that's awesome!
I assume all professionals and companies buy them anyway..and the ones that are studying Maya aren't using it to make salable products in general.

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