
Losing motivation...and need some advice

Started by October 11, 2006 05:11 PM
7 comments, last by KGodwin 17 years, 11 months ago
Been working on my 4E5 entry for a while now, and I've hit a point where I have no more motivation to work on it. It would be a waste, but the guy who was working on it with me is no longer helping out, he done nothing to begin with. So I'm stuck currently with a fully written engine, minimal game code, and a lot of code and artwork still to do, and an incomplete game idea. Any suggestions? I don't want to drop out, but I don't want to submit an entry that is half bodged. What would be a good approach to get myself back in the zone for this competition? I am no longer interested in prizes, I just want to enjoy working on the game!
Adventures of a Pro & Hobby Games Programmer - -
How about this, if you quit your just a quiter, a loser, your never gonna amount to anything. You know what just quit, save the judges the trouble of looking at your half ass entry.

I hope that motivated you, if not I apologize for all the things I just said I didnt mean them. I know nothing about you or your project, I'm just trying to help.
Try and find another teammate, I'm sure someone would be glad to join the contest still, and try and program in such a way as to constantly see visula progress as much as possible.
Quote: Original post by Richy2k
Any suggestions? I don't want to drop out, but I don't want to submit an entry that is half bodged. What would be a good approach to get myself back in the zone for this competition? I am no longer interested in prizes, I just want to enjoy working on the game!

Take some time off. Unwind. Let something unexpected inspire you, find an idea you like, and then return to your project with renewed energy and determination.

Good luck!
It is tough to stay motivated (especially in the last 10% to 20% of a project), but I've found that a good project plan with achievable goals broken out into short timelines helps alot.

Good luck with your entry!
I hope you find it. I know there is no greater joy than succeeding at a project, its kind of a rush that you keep going back to, and it lasts longer than any drug high I know if, though I have never done drugs. Plus, with the game listings, you can keep going back to be able to say "I did that" with pride.

That part I can safely say that. Whenever I get published, there is that rush that lasts for days or months. Sadly, I'm dropping out myself for that same reason, I got a publisher interested in a novel and I could either finish the game or try to get a book published. Also, I'm doing major coding at work, it is hard to relax when you code at home and at work, just a nature of the beast.

But, I'm still going to finish the game. Frankly, I had the perfect world setting for this contest, it covered three of the points flawlessly. And I think its a cool idea.

As for advice, try something that always works for me. Break it down. Things are easier if you can focus on a small thing that only takes an hour to do. Make it a HUD sensor, a bit of code to walk over a hill, or even just a single graphic. Just keep working on the small bits. Making a list of what needs to be done can be scary, but if you make that list, try to figure out how long it would take you. If it is more than an hour or three, break it into smaller bits until everything takes an hour or so. Then, just pick random things and do it.

Even the largest project is more managable when broken down into discrete parts.

I hope that helps.
If you make out the problem your facing to be huge, then the natural instinct is to procrastinate. Try and not beat yourself up, and do what you can and make sure you give yourself a pat on the back each time you do something towards it.
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Quote: Original post by honayboyz
How about this, if you quit your just a quiter, a loser, your never gonna amount to anything. You know what just quit, save the judges the trouble of looking at your half ass entry.

Now I'm motivated.

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

Quote: Original post by Richy2k
Been working on my 4E5 entry for a while now, and I've hit a point where I have no more motivation to work on it. It would be a waste, but the guy who was working on it with me is no longer helping out, he done nothing to begin with. So I'm stuck currently with a fully written engine, minimal game code, and a lot of code and artwork still to do, and an incomplete game idea.

Any suggestions? I don't want to drop out, but I don't want to submit an entry that is half bodged. What would be a good approach to get myself back in the zone for this competition? I am no longer interested in prizes, I just want to enjoy working on the game!

If you just want to enjoy working on the game, completely forget about the contest for the time being and look for another teamate. Mark the due date on the calendar somewhere and forget about it. If you finish by then great, otherwise just get your game done when your ready for it to be done and show the world. =)

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