see-through portal effect ?
What would be the best way to create a ''see-through portal'' effect, like some of the teleports in quake3 and Unreal/UT.
Basicly, how to render a scene "inside" another object.
I was thinking of rendering the scene as a texture and then texturemap for example a quad, and sync each scenes ''cameras''. But then I figured this would look pretty bad when comming up close to the portal.
Then I thought of skybox like technices, but I have no experience with that, so I don''t know how it works
Some hints of in wich direction I should go would be apreachated, (aswell as some sourcecode) :D
way to do this would be to draw the scene you are looking at through the portal first with a huge scale so that it is covered by the scene you are in, then draw the portal with glEnable(GL_BLEND);
glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
so that it is invisible but cuts a chunk out of the depth buffer of the scene you are in, and then you render that scene that you are in.
I''m probably being very confusing, but I hope this helps!
glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
so that it is invisible but cuts a chunk out of the depth buffer of the scene you are in, and then you render that scene that you are in.
I''m probably being very confusing, but I hope this helps!
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