Original post by Palidine
The decision you are faced with is the classic bird in hand v. 2 birds in bush. 30k is crazy low, in my opinion, for a programming job. It's reasonable for a starting tester (not sure you said what the job was).
You're right I never did say what position it was for, silly me I didn't notice. It's for a programming position, their offical title I think is Junior Software Engineer.
My initial reaction to the pay was the same, but that's roughtly 50k in California money and probably nearly the same on the other coast. If you don't mind me asking, what was your stating pay for you CA job? Do you think what they propose for raises makes up for starting at 30k?
Original post by Palidine
Try and get the company to wait a couple weeks so you can get in a position where you are at least choosing between a couple places.
My main problem with my situation is that I don't have a "2nd opinion" offer that I can compare this one to. I just felt like asking a company to wait that long wasn't a good thing to do, but then again I've never asked and that's only because they wanted an answer by the end of the week.
Wouldn't asking, "Hey, I'm close to possibly getting an offer from another company, but it might take a couple of weeks, would you mind waiting that long?" sound kinda bad?