
what drugs to include?

Started by September 26, 2006 06:23 AM
27 comments, last by dgreen02 18 years, 4 months ago
hi in my ganster rts you can manufacture and sell drugs (among other things). So what would be good to include, and still have a purpuse/function for everything. I might have drugs being refined from a simplified system of "raw materials" but im not sure. this is my plan plz comment: VOID BASED Inhalants (verylow class citizens will buy) Booze(verylow and low) Magic muchrooms (low, med, students) WEED BASED grass (low, med, students) hasch (?) OPIUM BASED coke (upper) heroin (broad use) CHAMICALLY BASED ectacy (med, students) speed (med, upper, students) meth/ice (?) angelFist (upper, my own invention)
Why not just invent totally ficticious drugs- which is standard procedure in such games etc (Think of their fake drug "nuke" in Robocop 2 or something).

Obviously you can *hint* at what they are supposed to be but don't make it really obvious.

You have a few errors here. First at all cocaine is created from a plant named coca. It has 24 extremely beneficial substances, the 25 substance is cocaine. When applied with these 24 substances it just increase beneficial abilities of coca, for example if you are in physically stressful environment, or when you are working in high altitudes.

Opium based is dimorfin. The funny thing is poppy seeds are used in cooking, thus there are legal reason why to plant them. They are used in Germany, Czech republic, and Slovakia. Surprisingly if you'd look into dark ages and previously, they used marijuana as narcotic, they never smoked opium, or used wild poppy.

If you don't mean real magic muchrooms, poisonous muchrooms are bad for kidneys (I ment liver), and I doubt anyone would buy them.

[Edited by - Raghar on September 27, 2006 6:22:53 AM]
If you don't mean real magic muchrooms, poisonous muchrooms are bad for kidneys, and I doubt anyone would buy them.

Other drugs aren't bad at all? :D

Magic mushrooms are really popular:

By the way, as far as I know, mushrooms are bad for liver.
why make fake drugs? i will include real weapons like uzi and kalashnikov.
any tips regarding my original post?

(well most drugs are poisionus (arguably all of them, the toxin is what produces the ruse/euphoria/buss), just like magic mushrooms, it doesnt prevent people from using them, especially not in a worn down dystopia game...)
Wow, reading your post one would think students are not actually what the dictionary defines as
person studying: somebody who is studying at a school, college, or university
but that they are infact junkies...

On the topic, I like markr's idea.
Best regards, Omid
if you insist on using real drugs in your game, you should research the actual classifications, effects, etc of them, since it is well known.
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
Off the top of my head: hashish oil, roofies (rohypnol - date rape drug), crack and various prescription drugs (heptanon, xanax,...).

There you go, every illegal drug worth listing. You may even consider the ability to manufacture pharmaceudicals as a 'legit' practice (though I have no idea how your game works.)

I think you are missing the big picture when you classify who uses what. There is no way to link each drug to a certain social group, drugs transcend social status.
drugs do not always trancend demographically defined groups, besides this is a game.
my game will simplify a lot of things to give the player the ability to make strategic desictions. When a member of a certain social class gets shoot, his fellow "members" will be more enraged then the average guy. Its also interessting that certain drugs are easier to sell close to shools, other in buisness district etc, rather then if everything appears to be random.

Thanks for links and ideas!

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