

Started by September 24, 2006 11:57 PM
32 comments, last by mldaalder 18 years, 4 months ago
Original post by Kest
1. Allow topless ladies. I can still avoid showing details such as nipples.
2. Provide under-clothing on the base model (I did this with boxers on the male). This will conflict and limit the styles of clothing worn over the area (which wasn't a problem with the male boxers). For example, no backless dresses because an ugly white/black bra-strap will cross there.
3. Create actual seperated underwear and automatically equip them when sensitive areas are uncovered. It will require a heavy background hack. Characters will need to be carrying these hidden items in inventory at all times. I would need to add flag values to clothing specifying whether they cover certain areas or not, etc. This one is the most work, but it probably has the most potential.

4. Read what Oluseyi wrote :)
5. Warn and let the player choose what he/she/it wants to see.

A bare butt is nothing compared to all that blood and violence that you see in many games.

Original post by Oluseyi
Original post by Kest
Was The Matrix: Reloaded about nudity? Not even close, but there were still topless ladies dancing in Zion.

And damn-near everybody found that scene stupid and annoying as fuck.

Good morning to you too sunshine.

I always thought the scene served the purpose of showing how animalistic their behavior was in comparison to the machine controlled environments. I wouldn't say it was extremely annoying. Maybe unnesessary. But the movie was made to be long enough to throw those types of scenes in. Another one is the long conversation between Neo and the leader of Zion, for example. Also completely unnesessary, but they add flavor.

It felt like nudity/orgy shoed in for the sake of being risqué.

Selling a story about the human race being nearly destroyed while the world is under the control of machines who milk infant human bodies for energy while feeding them the remains of other dying humans is slightly more risqué than nudity. I can't be certain, but I doubt that was the intent for that scene.

Is that how you want people to feel about your game? "It was cool, but what the fuck was with all the gratuitous nudity?"

Not at all. My entire game's theme is already dark and sleazy, so I don't need nudity to sell that. But it might help.

That's a very good point. I suppose that in such a case, trading clothing without swapping them would not be realistic. In a real life scenario, the character would be handed new clothing, go somewhere and change, then return with the old clothing. But this could become a serious annoyance in a situation where you might want to modify or use the clothing temporarily. You would have to buy temporary clothing for the character to wear while you fiddled with it. So yeah, #3 is needed.

It's a game. Stop getting so hung up on realism and add some abstraction. For instance, when you hand the character new clothes, a screen can come into view from the side, then swing away to reveal the character in the new clothes. It's sci-fi, after all, so what does "realism" even mean?

Ermm, maybe you should read back over my post when you're sober. I was referring to the simulated scenario of swapping clothing with an ally character. Comparing my game's interface to a real world situation. Your proposal to hide someone actually changing clothes isn't even in the ballpark. I'm trying to explain the problem with taking clothing from an NPC, then giving clothing back to that NPC, but not doing those two actions simultaneously. Not doing those two actions in the same screen. Having to remove clothing, go somewhere or do something else, then come back to give them that same item altered, or new clothing. Underwear is absolutely needed to pull that off in the game without doing something annoying like requiring temporary clothing.

I'm curious to know what you mean by hung up. Do I seem to be trying to be overly realistic with some other elements?

Seriously, this isn't a big deal at all.

Did you really think I had animations of characters undressing and puting clothing back on? My game is pretty animated, but not to that degree. If the player has clothing to replace something that someone is already wearing, no problems that have been brought up in this thread would come into play. One press of a button and the clothing is swapped instantly.
I say use bump mapping
Original post by thetaforce
I say use bump mapping

Normal mapping would be even more effective [wink]
Women without upper part of clothes are exactly as much natural as men without upper part of clothes, if you don't have problem with topless men, you shouldn't have problem with topless women.
I remember on a case when Brazil? policemen attacked and brutally moved to station woman because she walked on street topless. The other day there was a demonstration of 300 topless women. They reconsidered theirs behavior.

When I seen animes where a girl is masturbating in a shower, these feel more natural, than animes where girls seems to don't have theirs own lives. To show a women always in bra might be a bit silly, especially in the low resolution you are using. Note not all women are using bra, or panties, especially in the summer.

I'd be more worried about story, than about this.
Original post by Raghar
Women without upper part of clothes are exactly as much natural as men without upper part of clothes.

Maybe in a culture that has become accustomed to it. Personally, I don't believe in purity of nudity in the way nudists believe in it. I certainly don't think nudity is bad or taboo. But I believe hiding certain parts makes those parts more interesting to reveal. If we were all nude all of the time, we wouldn't have nearly as much fun when such things call for it. Not to mention how chilly it would get in winter.
My vote's for #3. Keep it simple. If you want to be edgy, do it with intentional sudity in specific situations, not by letting players create casual nudity where it isn't called for.

In terms of immersion and hawtness, covered breasts with some nice physics applied to them far outshine textured nipples in most cases anyway.

Its sci-fi, everyone wears a onesee (ala star trek) all the time! Im guessing this is somewhere far into the future, why not some cool plasti-latex that is glued on and provides gravity and inertial resistance. In the future there will be no underwear.
Original post by Iron Chef Carnage
My vote's for #3. Keep it simple. If you want to be edgy, do it with intentional sudity in specific situations, not by letting players create casual nudity where it isn't called for.

This is what I've come away with from this thread as well.

In terms of immersion and hawtness, covered breasts with some nice physics applied to them far outshine textured nipples in most cases anyway.

Heh. I worked something really simple out that I call a magnet ball. A free-floating point that attempts to stay in a certain relative coordinate to a parenting bone, but is effected by external forces and uses velocity to attempt to move back into position. I have to admit that was fun to program. I ran into all sorts of whacky results until I got it right.
I apologize for butting in to this thread this late, and excuse my comments if they're dumb or restated, but here's my two cents:

Why not display just the upper body (just above breasts) on the "not clothed" view? When a cloth is selected for say, the lower body, the camera can translate downwards (with heavy motion blur, of course), and the model can be adjusted before any parts are seen. If an upper body cloth is selected, the camera can (motion blur again) translate to view the entire, clothed, upper body. And so on, even for articles (earrings, armor, etc.).

D. "Nex" ShankarRed Winter Studios

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