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Setting up Linux

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17 comments, last by Null and Void 23 years, 4 months ago
Well, I''ve got a couple of fairly obviously newbie questions about Linux. Someone bought me a Red Hat CD (Yeah! Newbie''s version of Linux ) some time ago, and I want to give it a try (about a year ago actually). I''ve been reading up on Linux (there are 2-3 linux books in my house, and about 4 unix books, heh) but I still rate myself as a newbie, since I''ve never used it before . Here are my questions:
  • Can I get Red Hat to coexist with Win2K easily? What should I do to get it to live on my F drive (I have a ton of partitions) if it is possible, without messing up Win2K. Or is this not possible without a reformat? Do I have to use partition software, such as Partition Magic (I lost my copy when I moved ) to have them not kill each other?
  • Would Red Hat set up X11 for me, and would it have it so that some type of graphical X11 shell (such as KDE or Gnome) starts on boot up?
  • What''s a fairly easy graphics shell for a Linux Newbie to use? I think my copy of Red Hat comes with only KDE and Gnome, not to spark a shell war (as I''ve heard happens sometimes) but which do you personally suggest (remember I''m a former DOS, now a Windows user)? Or does it matter?
  • What would you suggest for an IDE for programming on Linux, should I just use EMACS?
  • Is xLib a good library for working with X11 programming? I''ve heard it is about as low level as you get with C/C++ in X11.
Thanks for your time, please excuse anything stupid I said out of ignorance about Linux . "Finger to spiritual emptiness underlying everything." -- How a C manual referred to a "pointer to void." --Things People Said
Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!
1. Don''t know. Never dualbooted Win2k and Linux, but I know people who have made it work.

2. Yep, RH sets up X for you.

3. I personally like KDE more than GNOME, but I think they''re both equally "easy" to use... Try them both and see which one you like.

4. KDevelop?

5. Well, do you want to do lowlevel X11 programming? If you don''t, I recommend using a widget set such as GTK or QT.
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
3.Mine is KDE 2.I don''t comment which is better.

4.Start with the command line tools first(Learn what happens under the hood). Kdevelop is very good IDE(You can develop for GNOME also).Emacs is powerfull but the keyboard commands...

5. It depends are you going to make game. Xlib has shared memory, direct rendering,BLAA,... which are usefull for making games.

Widget sets(KDE,GNOME) are very good for applications. Gnome is written in C and KDE is written in C++.

BTW Windoze activation codes...
AND my english I know.
All right, I will skip all of the other questions as they are of personal nature. When I code under linux, I always use EMACS, it''s the best type of Editor or IDE you can use. Alot of weird keys to remember but once you get the hang of them, it simplifies your coding time.

These are my own views. If you feel these have offensed you, post your own views.

Headhunter Soft
A division of DLC Multimedia
[Cyberdrek | ]
Well, I am planning porting my engine to Linux, that''s why I want to get it set up . The engine uses OpenGL and OpenAL at the moment, but I need something to set up the Window and other things that OpenGL relies on before it is able to run, that''s why I asked about XLib. I guess I''ll need to go look up how to get Linux to Dualboot with Win2K (preferably without a reformating of my drives).

"Finger to spiritual emptiness underlying everything." -- How a C manual referred to a "pointer to void." --Things People Said
Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!
Hey NULL And Void,

I have done quadruple booting of
Slackawre Linux 7.0
Slackware Linux 2.0

So I do know its possible. Regarding Win2k and linux - It doesn''t matter which you install first. Regarding Win95 and linux, Install 95 first and let it take the primary partition.

Books won''t help you much if you haven''t at all worked in linux.

Regarding it to live on your F drive - You don''t have to do anything but when asked during installation specify the F drive probably /dev/hda6(on my system).

Redhat tries to setup X, but if your card is something that the current version of X in your cd doesn''t support then chances are it may not work.

Actually if you are looking at editors - try kdevelop or Vide.
But emacs, vi etc is ok. Learn up on makefile''s - save you a lot of trouble(use unsupported generic vga compatible in that case).

Xlib is good coz SDL etc are all engines. I don''t think you would want to use an engine to port an engine.

Fairly easy WM''s(Window Magers) - umm all WM''s are easy. But if you mean memory efficient I wouldn''t advise you kde or gnome, try other by default linux comes with amny of them.

Shells - Try bash - this is what you will be expected to use most of the time.

Hello from my world
quote: Original post by Null and Void

Well, I''ve got a couple of fairly obviously newbie questions about Linux. Someone bought me a Red Hat CD (Yeah! Newbie''s version of Linux ) some time ago, and I want to give it a try (about a year ago actually). I''ve been reading up on Linux (there are 2-3 linux books in my house, and about 4 unix books, heh) but I still rate myself as a newbie, since I''ve never used it before .

Here are my questions:

  • Can I get Red Hat to coexist with Win2K easily? What should I do to get it to live on my F drive (I have a ton of partitions) if it is possible, without messing up Win2K. Or is this not possible without a reformat? Do I have to use partition software, such as Partition Magic (I lost my copy when I moved ) to have them not kill each other?
  • Would Red Hat set up X11 for me, and would it have it so that some type of graphical X11 shell (such as KDE or Gnome) starts on boot up?
  • What''s a fairly easy graphics shell for a Linux Newbie to use? I think my copy of Red Hat comes with only KDE and Gnome, not to spark a shell war (as I''ve heard happens sometimes) but which do you personally suggest (remember I''m a former DOS, now a Windows user)? Or does it matter?
  • What would you suggest for an IDE for programming on Linux, should I just use EMACS?
  • Is xLib a good library for working with X11 programming? I''ve heard it is about as low level as you get with C/C++ in X11.

Thanks for your time, please excuse anything stupid I said out of ignorance about Linux .

"Finger to spiritual emptiness underlying everything." -- How a C manual referred to a "pointer to void." --Things People Said
Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!

I''ve only used Mandrake Linux with KDE or GNOME (personally I like KDE). I don''t know if this would apply to RedHat or not but there''s a utility called lnx4win which will setup linux so you don''t have to repartition or format the harddrive. lnx4win will also set GRUB or LILO so you can dual boot Windows etc and linux. It does slow Linux down but it might be a good Idea if your still trying to get used to Linux. I had my computer setup that way for some time. Now there one two partitions.

Ok, i''m gonna do some quick responses. These are not "the only things anyone with half a brain would use". These are my personal preferences that i suggest. You''ve been warned.

IDE: forget the IDE for now. I suggest vim, make, and ddd. I''ll say that the one thing i REALLY miss when i have to develop on Windows (not that that happens often) is the standard makefile. Anyway, i suggest you take the time to learn vi, emacs, or both (though not all at once. Ease into them as much as they allow you to). If you know lisp, that''s another bonus for emacs. If later you decide that you really do want an IDE, then look at KDevelop, CodeCrusader, Vide...

Window Manager: there is more to the Linux desktop than GNOME and KDE. Check out WindowMaker. It''s stable, slimmer, and has quite a nice interface. I used KDE and GNOME in the past, but i love WindowMaker. One note, though: install Qt and gtk+ anyway. You''ll want them for the apps.

On SDL: uhh, the phrase "SDL is an engine" is like the phrase "directX is an engine." That is, it really isn''t; not by most people''s standards. Crystal Space is an engine. Build is an engine. SDL is a library. Porting to SDL makes perfect sense in many cases. Sometimes you want the added flexability and speed of direct X11 (although, like anything, to reap the benefits, you need to know how to use it). Sometimes you want an OO library like Clanlib. Sometimes you want a 3D engine like Crystal Space. In many cases, though, you just want a fairly easy but powerful library to handle input, output, video, and other things, and then porting to SDL makes perfect sense. Furthermore, once you''ve ported to SDL, all sorts of platforms become available to you.

Anyway, since you''re looking to port your OpenGL app, i''d look around. SDL does have support for opening an OpenGL context, though, so it''s something you should consider.

I really don''t recommend GTK+ or any widget set to create
a game unless it''s really going to be one of those
1980''s boardgame ones.

Look into glut or SDL, or if you are feeling adventurous,
Xlib! *G*
Tara Milana - WP Entertainmenthttp://wolfpack.twu.net/Comp graphics artist and programmer.
Well, since my Red Hat 6.2 CD decided to not work, and Red Hat 6.0 won''t let me mount the partition I want as root, I downloaded Red Hat 7.0''s ISO files (I figured I stick with the version I have books on ) and burned it to CD. Now I''ll see if I can get it to do a partitionless install, as they call it.

"Finger to spiritual emptiness underlying everything." -- How a C manual referred to a "pointer to void." --Things People Said
Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!

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