
quite a complex AI for a hexagon based game..

Started by September 11, 2006 07:36 AM
3 comments, last by Asbestos 18 years, 5 months ago
Hei! I start making my very first game applet, applet name is fall of france '40.. applet is a wargame between france & her allies and germany.. applet has an gameboard, a 15'15 hexagon map.. gameboard has towns and cities and game pieces with combat factor and movement.. i have never before tryed to do complex ai, some missiles following spaceship but nothing deeper, this more complex than chess ??.. is how far i have get, my current main idea for game ai, if you can please send me few ideas, greatly would make me happy.. 1) there is town&cities that ai should conquer or protect with game pieces.. 2) every town&citie has an importance number that gives its priority to ai on protecting and conquering gameboard.. 3) every unit/stack has an importance number that gives its priority to ai to know when to attack unit/stack.. 4) there is different states on game pieces, 1 = protecting a citie :: 2 = available :: to ai to know how to use game pieces.. 5) well.. hmm.. thats about it.. thats how far i have get with my this is my very first attempt on wargames i need your advises and experience.. so, if you have any experience on similiar projects,please please share that experience.. ::: JariTapio / Helsinki / Finland :::

I forget to give my homepage address to view drawn screenshots..
::: JariTapio / Helsinki / Finland :::
I feel the first step to any AI project should be a clear description of the behaviors you want to see.

As far as yours... with a 15x15 board, simple scoring, it should be doable with a simple space search. (minimax and the like), depending on the number of pieces that can move each turn...
Thank you for replying..

Please more..

JariTapio / Helsinki - Finland ( drawn screenshots )
Original post by JariTapio
Please more..

You're either going to have to do your own research or ask more precise questions. What does "please more" mean -- do you want us to program the game for you?

Work out exactly what it is you're trying to do, and then if you have a question someone may be able to help you.

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