
Fire, Ice, Earth and Lightning

Started by August 29, 2006 03:25 PM
49 comments, last by BBHudson 18 years, 5 months ago
Original post by TheOddMan
I remember once trying to create a spell list based on Miracles in Genesis. I ended up with a bunch of nasty curses - Staff to Snake, Locusts, Frogs, Kill Firstborn and so on. If something like this was developed further it may avoid the whole elemental basis.

I hate to be so detail obsessed, but those three were in the book of Exodus. Genesis would be things like Create Universe, Flood Everything, Blow Up City, Turn Things Into Salt, And So Forth.
Original post by Tergadare
Original post by TheOddMan
I remember once trying to create a spell list based on Miracles in Genesis. I ended up with a bunch of nasty curses - Staff to Snake, Locusts, Frogs, Kill Firstborn and so on. If something like this was developed further it may avoid the whole elemental basis.

I hate to be so detail obsessed, but those three were in the book of Exodus. Genesis would be things like Create Universe, Flood Everything, Blow Up City, Turn Things Into Salt, And So Forth.

zomg nerf mages create universe is too uber my warrior only does 25 dmg on crit to snake in noob garden oh ps tree of knowledge quest is broken i gave the apple to the guy and it booted me from zone wtf?
Original post by makeshiftwings
zomg nerf mages create universe is too uber my warrior only does 25 dmg on crit to snake in noob garden oh ps tree of knowledge quest is broken i gave the apple to the guy and it booted me from zone wtf?
:D That's the funniest thing ever! "noob garden" Hahaha!

Original post by Fournicolas
I once designed a simple magic system for a PnP game. It required to see everything in colored lines, a la Matrix with code lines, and to "tap" these lines to use the energy contained in them to create something useful.

Let's say that it worked a little like MtG's Mana system, but with a twist. You could find both white "threads of energy" coming from the sun, but also red "threads". It meant that you could use both light and heat from the sun to your purpose. The Black energy threads were omnipresent, everywhere, and would not flow in lines or curves. They would mostly lie around, and move snakelike. They represented chaos, and could be used to alter other lines. Let's say that you came across a tree (green threads flowing everywhere, the energy of life itself...) and needed wood. You could try and harness some chaos energy to make the life flee from a branch or two, and then concentrate the heat from the sun or from other living animals or humans to ignite the branches.

A wind would be both white and blue (movement) energy.

But on the other hand, you could create cold by simply moving heat lines away from a point, or temporarily blind someone by deflecting the light lines around his head. You could kill someone simply by knotting chaos lines around his own life and heat lines, or exhaust someone, or drain his "lifeforce", by channelling his red and green lines towards yourself.

And the more powerful or skilled in "magic" you were, the more lines you could use at once, meaning you could create more powerful spells.

On reading what I just wrote, I realize that this is not much use for a computer game system, because the sheer creativity that allows such a system cannot be hardcoded yet, unless you decide to go through a LONG LOOONG LOOOOOONG creational process, and an even longer coding process.

But it may prove useful to someone around here, who knows...
Yes, this is useful to me! :D Thank you! This is such a cool idea.

I wouldn't use the exact system that you describe, but it is very inspiring. I've wanted a good, analog, environmental magic system, and this a perfect example. Thanks. :)

Master of Magic's system included 5 types of magic, where each could only be learned by specific wizards.


(There was also Arcane, which could be learned by anyone.)
Original post by Xelen
I know the you're trying to get away from the elements. Though I suppose if you're not really able to break away from them you could go the Wheel of Time path and weave them together in 'patterns' to change the effect and/or intensity etc. Wheel of Time used the four elements and then spirit. I suppose you could add some other things in there.

Best. Series. Ever. Just sayin'.

My take on the whole elements system is - it's cool, but it's frequently too limited. For example, in Final Fantasy all the elements do is kill or buff. However, in Golden Sun for example, you not only use the elements, but you also have to light the elemental lighthouses, the elements fuel the world, there are whole cultures built around the elements. So, in my opinion, if your game is gonna have elements in it, it should use them for more than spells.

One system of elements I really liked was in the Sovereign Stone trilogy of novels, which was apparently just ripped straight off of Japanese (I think) mythology. It had Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Void. All Void could do was destroy, which was really cool. Also, in another series by the same authors (the Death Gate Cycle), the heros went through worlds based around those five elements (although in ways that you probably wouldn't expect - I know I didn't).

Basically, make your elements part of the folklore of the game, really steep the player in the history (without making it boring), and you'll be fine with an elemental system. Golden Sun and those books I mentioned do a great job of that.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I program in C++, on MSVC++ '05 Express, and on Windows. Most of my programs are also for windows.
I have been giving a lot of though lately to the idea of the Genius Loci; the "Spirit of a place". Kind of hard to explain, but here are some examples I have come across:

Fiddler's Green, from the Sandman comics
The various Genii Loci in Donnerjack, by Roger Zelazny
The Spirit in "The Circular Valley" by Paul Bowles

Basically a genuis loci (in these works) is the spirit of a place manifested as an avatar. Within the boundaries of its space it has almost godlike powers, which reflect the tone or feeling or "flavor" of its domain.

For instance: the GL of a forest glade would have nature oriented powers; of a mountaintop would control wind and rain and maybe oxygen content in the air; of a war-torn city block would be a sense of "GO AWAY" and eyes peering out of dark get the idea.

Don't know where I was going with this... maybe an interesting mix of elemental and some kind of sympathetic (e.g. voodoo) magic...
Original post by RAO
Good!agree with YOU!Do you play online game?What game do you like?I like RF online.But it need much game money to level up PT.But the money is site is the cheapest:

Enjoy your ban pimp.

[Edited by - Ravuya on September 15, 2006 8:02:27 PM]
"Let Us Now Try Liberty"-- Frederick Bastiat
Original post by richardy
in japanese&korea,they use 水火地风光暗,water/fire/dust/wind/light/duck


Check out my new game Smash and Dash at:

Ok, sorry but I can't resist anymore.
Maybe try some spells with the other elements

Cesium Flare Attack
Helium Squeaky Voice (mut effect)
Neon Light
Carbon: Dimondize Armour
Hydrogen Fission Attack
My favourite elements system comes from the 7 Hindu chakras. They are (from bottom to top): Base (earth), Sacral (water), Solar Plexus (fire), Heart (wind), Throat (light), Brow (dark) and Crown (spirit). I don't think I've ever seen a game use the chakras as a basis for a magic system.

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