
[4e5] Lost Data Stories

Started by August 29, 2006 02:55 PM
22 comments, last by The Human Genocide 18 years, 1 month ago
Hey guys, how's it going? My roomate recently clicked on a banner ad and got me a gigantic virus (That dumbass.) Anyways, I had to clear my entire hard drive and reinstall Windows. Now, that means I lost my source to my 4e5 project, so I have to start over again. :( I remember most of the code though. I was wondering if anybody else had a story like this.
you could saved the code before.....unless the virus it self deleted it.
------------------------------------ IDLoco Game Studios
The virus deleted everything off my desktop, blocked off the start bar, and disabled task manager. There was no way of retrieving it. I had to boot the windows set up from a disk.
Why no back-ups? Guess you learnt the "always backup" lesson the hard way.
Make your roomate redo your code lol; if he can't code dictate it to him =D
That really sucks [sad]

I don't have any "dog ate my homework" stories, 4E5 keeps having to wait because of other more pressing things.

Consider using Subversion on a usb stick. That way your repository is actually somewhere completely seperate from your machine - well it's less likely to be directly attacked anyway. And every machine you check your code out on becomes a backup copy of a certain revision anyway.
Anything posted is personal opinion which does not in anyway reflect or represent my employer. Any code and opinion is expressed “as is” and used at your own risk – it does not constitute a legal relationship of any kind.
You could have saved all your data with the almighty ERD Commander [depressed]

Also from what you said, if your computer was on some sort of network, you could have gone in on the admin share and got your data, booted in safe mode and got your data or ...countless other ways

I personally would absolutely refuse to clean install until I had tried everything possible to save anything I hadn't backed up.

Hopefully you will get back on track soon enough though [smile]

All the best,
Richard 'ViLiO' | Twitter | YouTube

luckily I have no story like yours, but for the next time try, before you had to reinstall your OS, to connect the hard drive as a secondary master (or slave as you prefer) in another computer to search and copy the directory you want in its hard drive... in any case is useless to talk about this now if you have reinstalled the OS and you have lost all the data.

Set a password in your computer or put a "claymore" under the chair. :)

Good luck.

PS.-I think you must hate these words, but: "Backup next time".
SVN is your friend! Use it!
Adventures of a Pro & Hobby Games Programmer - -
Quote: Original post by Richy2k
SVN is your friend! Use it!

SVN doesn't help much unless the server is on a system separate from your dev system.

*learnt the hard way*

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