Well, I'm not saying that NPCs will have to belong to a group, but it is natrual for humans to congregate and talk to others with similar interests. I was thinking of NPCs speaking 1 on 1, but would natrually want to form some sort of groups since that's just human nature (although the NPCs forming their own groups was an example more than the central idea).
The more central thought here was that we've talked about generating random plotlines from individual parts. This would be slightly different. The game would generate NPCs from combinations of attributes. The NPCs would interact w/ each other, the world, the player, etc to create plotlines, quests, etc.
Before, I was confining my thinking by imagining that the developer would create each NPC's attributes, goals, etc individually, but by letting the game do this at the start of a new game automatically it could make things more interesting. Then that NPC's AI would take things from there. That NPC's goals and attributes would affect the world as a whole generating events that the player may interact w/ if he/she chooses.
Of course when the game creates the NPCs there should be some consistancy. If the game made an NPC that was primarily a kind, lawful person whose primary goal was to steal others' possessions it would be quite contradictory.
Like I said, it's probably not the most novel idea, but I thought it was worth discussing.
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What a plight we who try to make a story-based game have...writers of conventional media have words, we have but binary numbers Edited by - Nazrix on February 24, 2001 7:52:23 PM