
gettin laid in games

Started by August 13, 2006 07:56 PM
15 comments, last by balohna 18 years, 5 months ago
The question I have for this though is what kind of sex in games are you talking about, Pornographic or romantic, or other?

Are you talking about making a pornographic game? Well there are examples of that, not in the USA, you just have to look at a more international scope (heavy focus on Japan). If you are looking for this type of content then there is really very little you have to write around because if it is there just to be pornographic then the people who are looking for that content won’t care how you got to it.

Or are you talking about making a romantic game where the sex involved is only there because of the plotline and character development. The problem with putting that into the game however, is that it is unnecessary. As far as a character development story telling stand point showing the two characters going into bed together and then fading to black will have the same effect without having the ESRB rating of the game (and the public opinion of it) go through the roof.

There are other types of sex that could be put into game that isn’t either pornographic or romantic. Although I don’t know of any examples that would have used it in games, the kind of sex scene that is put into the plot to show character development and purpose for the character. Like a character being forced into a sex scene out of desperation. There would be no romance to the scene du to the fact the character is reluctant and it wouldn’t necessarily be considered pornographic because it is not there just for fanservice(best word I could like of)

The question you really should ask yourself with this is why do you want to ad it? Do you want to have it in the game to progress plot or are you putting it in the game just because you want a sex scene?
Erm... there is an entire industry for 'sex games' in the US and more popularly in Japan.

The reason you don't hear about them is the same reason you don't hear about porn movies ;) Most networks find it "indecent" to advertise for said things, and they're usually run on a low budget.
Advertisement is an activity, romance nor pornography is required.

Why not make a game that will teach the 70% of guys out there that don't get laid on a regular basis the art of flirting that women respond to?

Conversely you could make one that teaches women how to test men and not be taken by "players".

But really, the activity of meeting and eventualy mateing with a mate is all to often refered to as a game...why not make a real game of it?

Romance is the toughest to write about, practice makes wonders though. When I took writing courses ages ago my teacher told me that if you want to write about romance you should read romance and experience it. So anyway get to the bookstore and buy Jane Austen's Complete Novels :) Write down your experiences with romance, your feelings and start from there. Yes I know it's hard to put words on it and a bit flaky, but in my opinion it's worth it because you will avoid cliches and it can be the key to some real solid work.

There is probably a ton of video games with romance in them. As I recall there were a number of NES and SNES games where you set out to rescue your girlfriend or wife who had been kidnapped by terrorists/aliens/evil scientists, so they had some romance involved.

Super Mario Bros is also based on romance with the princess being kidnapped by Bowser and Mario rescuing her. Isn't there even a kiss in the end? :)

As for sex in video games you basically have to choices, either its sex/sex with no romance (as in Lula or that game marketed as a sex simulator which I can't recall the name of) or adventure/sex (as in the Larry games, which also has some humour or romance).

Hope it helps!

Original post by MSW
Why not make a game that will teach the 70% of guys out there that don't get laid on a regular basis the art of flirting that women respond to?

Wow. That's actually a really interesting idea, especially in a topic started by an incoherent teenager. With good marketing I expect you'd have quite a bit of financial success. Just partner with someone like David DeAngelo who already sells to your audience (I'm terrible at talking to women I don't know, but paradoxically I always have a girlfriend...his material is pretty good), and make a game that reinforces his ideas.

It wouldn't even have to be particularly inventive. Just add an active component to the learning process, instead of purely passive reading/watching, and it will certainly help people internalize any kind of information.

I really might steal your idea if I can cram it into the small amount of free time I have. Another reason I carry a notebook wherever I go -- game design ideas! And it would be a great excuse to approach women and talk to them about sex. All in the name of research, of course.
Original post by BloodWarrior
games dont have sex? where did you get that idea?

So you got GTA and God Of War plus Indigo profecy mentioned there.

Lets add:
Ultima VII: The Black Gate mentions that the Avatar is a virgin (he/she can touch an unicorn) but in Ultima VII: Serpend Isle the Avatar can get all friendly with the barmaid. You dont see anything except that he actually goes to bed with her and then the game changes to next day's morning.

Fable you can become the owner of a brothel and make use of its employees for free. There is a special door that only opens if you score more than x diferent women.

Then you have Larry games from Sierra.

You also have numerous adventure games with romance in them. All of the final fantasy games involve a love affair (quite often a love triangle). Even Kingdom Hearts has Sora competing for the nice gal.

Of course most games dont go into explicit but thats just because... well its a bit dumb isnt it? Want to see that just go get a proper movie for it. Although Voyeur makes it quite a nice game of it.

Romance can easilly be added into a game. Games like Vampire: The Maskerade (both redemption and bloodlines) are supercharged with sexuality from clothes to innuendo.

If you want it or find it acceptable put it in. Even quite a lot of adventure books involve a nice romp between the main chars... hell Elminster seems to have gotten laid with every woman in toril.... including everyone of the seven sisters! Storm Silverhand tends to walk around naked and the Symbul is usually wearing a tattered dress. Cattie Brie has definately been getting naughty with Drizzt and as for dark elfs... well lets just say that dark elf graduating ceremonies dont involve clothes... unless they elves are getting inventive. Plus they come with extra demon! Dragloth (spelling) anyone?

EDIT!!! OH OH OH!!! I FORGOT LULA (i think thats what it was called). In this game (there are two of them I think) you play the part of a scoundrel that finds this hot babe that loves sex. She convinces him to start making movies and there you go, you become larry flint!

You had me until the bolded part :|

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