
ASE Loader

Started by February 21, 2001 06:21 PM
0 comments, last by steveharper101 23 years, 9 months ago
I have coded an ASE loader and implemented it into my openGL engine. The only problem is that i want every model to look the same in Opengl as it does when i exported it in 3DSMAX how is this achieved. I can scale the model by deviding it by a scale factor before rendering but i cannot get it in the same position. Is there something in the ase file that tells it it''s loctation in the world. Steve
the models position is determed by the vertices position in relation to the world axis in 3dsmax, so if you export your model when it''s let''s say 40 units X from MAX''s world axis the most "left" vertex of your model would have it''s x value set to 40.

The best way to avoid this is simply by centering your model around MAX''s world axis before you export it, first make sure to models poivot is centered to the model, and then center the object to 0,0,0 (can be done with the align tool in max).


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