
How far along is your project?

Started by August 06, 2006 03:42 PM
51 comments, last by Michalson 18 years ago
With all of the screenshots that have been posted so far I can't help but ask how far along everyone is with their projects? So far all I have is a set of classes that make up a framework for my game - Input, Sound, Graphics, and a number of utilities (e.g. profiling, logging). Is it time for me to start moving and pumping out code faster?!
Progress is born from the opportunity to make mistakes.

My prize winning Connect 4 AI looks one move ahead, can you beat it? @nickstadb
~43.8901% of done

Or 20.32% of content
and 76.124% of engine stuff

or if you want something based on reality, check out our dev journals:
Sir Sapo
Prinz Eugn

Actually we are fairly far, but our previous projects have shown us that guesses at progress are usually tragically miscalculated

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

I've just wrote an engine from scratch in 3 weeks, and just finished off most of the collision and rigid body physics stuff. Need to get the renderer done, then it shouldn't be too difficult to make a game from it, as all the technical stuff will be dealt with! So, I'd say I'm at the 30-40% marker code wise. Art, 0%.
Adventures of a Pro & Hobby Games Programmer - -
I just decided to overhaul my entire concept, so I'm 0% done. Except I have a lot of stuff from what I had been working on, so I'd say I have basically 60-70% of all the components done, except they all still need to be plugged in together...
Many of my engine sections are nearly done. A few still need to be started. Then, I need to generate the content, slap a big fat wad of polish on top, and zap all the bugs.

In short, I can play my game. I can win the demo mission. But there are still bugs - still missing features. It has only a tenth of the ships, ports, cargos, and buildings it will. You cannot yet automate your captains. The battle system still needs a lot of work. I need better AIs. And, I need to make the story. But the essentials are there.
Mine's been on hold for a bit due to work that actually pays. But, my 3d engine is good enough to be going on with (doesn't mean its finished, just that there's enough there to be able to work on the game). Major thing it's missing is sound. I have a couple of units in with interaction, though incomplete, and art wise I have a nice catapult model and a couple of placeholder bits. The art pipeline works well though, which is something alot of people don't put much thought into.
___________________________________________________David OlsenIf I've helped you, please vote for PigeonGrape!
Can it be a negative number? I haven't quite even gotten an idea down on paper yet..

trying to not become too overzealous and create a project that was doomed for failure from the very beginning, while remaining atleast somewhat unique is an incredibly difficult task.. even for the creative minded.

it was NOT a mmorpg.
- 2D map
- 3D objects over the map
- 2D UI
- mouse
player can:
- move,
- pick/drop items,
- use items (weapons to attack people, food, emotion enhancers, ...),
- act on its produced emotion,
- be impacted by the produced emotion of items/characters,
- collide with the world.
other characters can:
- be impacted by the produced emotion of items/characters,
- flee from an intense fear,
- collide with the world.

to do:
- optimize the 3D rendering part,
- add item/money exchange,
- add world events,
- add AI actions (based on time, events, human player actions, ...),
- coed the "telepod" system to allow the player to go from one place to another,
- make the 2D/3D for the different places,
- create the different places description files,
- add sound,
- ... ? ...
Not quite far.
60% of the game framework done.
No content yet.
No gameplay.
Quote: Original post by Prinz Eugn
guesses at progress are usually tragically miscalculated


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