Hey. Thanks for the advice. I used to have a subscription to 3d.sk, but Im on dial up so(I live 20 miles from civilization and love it). I got tired of waiting for textures to load in my browser.
The thing is, I want to work with somebody on my project. I could do the texturing by myself but I already know the outcome(not to bad). Also if I had a buddy who could texture my models, I would have maybe 50% more time to model and animate. I would like to team up with someone who can make some great textures and concept art. I've never really got together with another person and created something to finish.
Im going for realistic movement in the animation with a possible 7 progressive stages of forward movement including jump I will animate all stages but use only 4 or so for forward movement, to make things simple. I found some great reference material from the early 1900's. The photographer is Muybridge, who wrote and supplied photography for Animals in Motion, originally published around the turn of the century and now available from Dover. This is the source of the information above about Muybridge.
Animal Locomotion ![Horse Jump](http://www.linesdotsnsquiggles.com/images/h_anim2.gif)
I use Maya 6. I don't ever see having to upgrade or change apps, maybe oneday, upgrade that is. I tried max around R3, but then I found Maya, it just really clicked with me like we were made for each other. I model all organic or living things starting out with cylinders, ruff the shape then fine tune, all the while deleting history every 10 or so actions with a save after history deleted. The box method is counter intuitive for me, though this horses head started as a box.