Quote:Original post by FadedPhoenix Is this a MMO game or a single player game?
It could work in either setting depending on how you worked it all out. Though I think single player would be the easiest to implement.
Quote:Original post by FadedPhoenix How does this effect the world and what validates its exsistance?
This will give the player something else exciting to focus on, another aspect of gameplay. It effects the world with some custom gear, balance the system and it shouldn't be too much of an issue. The fact that it's a game, and a fictional world lets you validate its exsistance with whatever reason you so choose.
Quote:Original post by FadedPhoenix To have a single weapon that increases as you use it over time is a great idea in theory. But in a MMO type setting economy is a big issues. If a player feels promoted not to change weapons or has no need to buy things ((acceptable money sinks)) than this is goin to hurt the game more than anything.
A few of us have suggested that items can only grow to certain limits before the player feels the need to find the next best item up that would allow for even more growth. More growth equals more power potential. This would give people an excuse to find better items to work on and enhance those as well. Not saying this doesn't need some work for balance on how often a player needs to upgrade, but it is a solution to limit how much an item can grow.
People would also be inclined to sell their weapons, and a lower level would be tempted to blow some cash on a weapon they don't have to level up every now and then. You could always do the ugly WoW way and make it so that a player has to spend lots of gold or have a high faction with someone before they can get to the 'better' enhancements. Again not saying it doesn't need balance work, but it can be balanced...