3DSMax - Creating terrain
Hi folks! Im making a small game in which I want to have some kind of terrain. Right know I create the terrain this way: 1. I create the height map in Photoshop (Filter->Render clouds, save as .raw). 2. The game reads this file and creates the terrain. This works, but now I dont want to create the terrain at run-time. In other words, I want to create it in 3DSMax. I've done all the other design (such as trees and stuff), in 3DSMax. It would be nice and much easier if I could create the terrain in 3DSMax too (I think it'll be more easier to fit the trees etc. within the terrain). Does anyone know how to do this? Kind Regards
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the best way i have found is by using ,landscape tools, which lets you alter and shape the terrain in realtime from a mesh.
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