
ICT or Physics

Started by June 05, 2006 03:26 PM
3 comments, last by pongping 18 years, 8 months ago
Hey everyone, I'm currently in my last year at high school in Belgium. Next year I wanted to go to the University of Leuven (you guys probably won't know it). It's pretty good. It allows you to chose a major (headsubject) and a minor (a bit of a subject u do cause it interests). First I wanted to do physics as major and computer science as minor. But I'm afraid I won't get a job very easily. That's why I though of switching it, like doing computer science as major and physics as minor. But I hear the whole time that the big IT companies go to India and countries like that cause programmers are much cheaper there. I'm really interested in both, and I ask your advice of what I should do. I know a lot of you are professional and I hope you will give me some advice. Yoran
Yoran wrote:
>First I wanted to do physics as major and computer science as minor. But I'm afraid I won't get a job very easily.

Follow your passions, Yoran. MOST people don't get a job very easily after graduation, but if you follow your passions while you're in school, the job you get will more likely be a job that you'll like. Read

-- Tom Sloper --

Agree with Tom. Study something because you really enjoy it and are good at it, not just because it'd give you a job opportunity or because it'd make someone else happy.

It's your life to live.
Kam-Hung Soh
Thanks guys for all the replies! I think it's going to be Computer Science as headsubject and Physics as minor. I've always been interested in computers and especially software development so I think I'm gonna go for that.

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