
[4e5]Discuss: Emblem

Started by June 03, 2006 12:15 PM
84 comments, last by superpig 18 years, 1 month ago
Quote: Your game must include some kind of highly recognisable symbol or Emblem integrated into the gameplay or story. For example, it might be the symbol of an ancient alien race that the player is investigating, or a special mouse gesture they need to draw.
Feel free to discuss anything about the Emblem element in this thread...
I was personally thinking of something 1984-ish, or WWII-ish, with an authoritarian or fascist government sort of at the center of the plot, and that makes near excessive use of an easily identifiable symbol. (Like the Nazi swastika, for example.)

I'm thinking politics is going to be intertwined intimately with economics in any idea that I come up with for this contest.
"We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves." - John Locke
The rules say the emblem must be integrated with the gameplay/story, but the Half-life symbol was cited as an example. So does having the emblem just heavily integrated with menus, manual, installer, etc count as giving a strong 'brand'? If not, would subtly putting it in-game be enough - like the power-ups in Quake qhere I think one is the Quake 'Q' logo?
Quote: Original post by d000hg
The rules say the emblem must be integrated with the gameplay/story, but the Half-life symbol was cited as an example. So does having the emblem just heavily integrated with menus, manual, installer, etc count as giving a strong 'brand'? If not, would subtly putting it in-game be enough - like the power-ups in Quake qhere I think one is the Quake 'Q' logo?

I don't think a Q logo is gonna cut it for the game. However, making a powerup that is very mystical, and spoken about throughout the game, that could have benefits of some sort. Some examples of emblems I can think of are:

Mushrooms in Mario, maybe?
The sand in the PoP games.

That kinda stuff, that plays quite a large role.
Ollie "It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers." ~ James Thurber[ mdxinfo | An iridescent tentacle | Game design patterns ]
I'm thinking the Half-Life lambda is just on the edge. The pi-like symbol from Oblivion would be almost perfect, and the Triforce is as good as it gets.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
If you pay attention while playing through half-life the half-life logo is all over the place. So it is in game in addition to the menus, installer, etc.
Quote: Original post by Squirell
If you pay attention while playing through half-life the half-life logo is all over the place. So it is in game in addition to the menus, installer, etc.

Aye. Half-Life 2 is possibly a better example; the lambda symbol is the logo of the resistance movement, and frequently appears in-game to indicate when there are powerups and ammo hidden nearby.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Does a Pentagram or the Holy Cross qualify as emblems?
Quote: Original post by cleves
Does a Pentagram or the Holy Cross qualify as emblems?
I would imagine it would depend on their status in the game, just like any other. You could use an X if it was well-developed. If you just happen to have a church in the game, it probably wouldn't count. However, if you place it on badges and flags and make it the very symbol of the enemy you seek to destroy, then it probably would count.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.

from wikipidia "emblem"

A symbol substitutes one thing for another, in a less concrete fashion: the Christian cross is a symbol of sacrifice; it is an emblem of the Crucifixion. A red cross on a white flag is the emblem of the International Red Cross. The Red Cross is a symbol of the humanitarian spirit.

The crescent shape is a symbol of the moon; it is an emblem of Islam. The skull and crossbones is an emblem identifying a poison. The skull is a symbol of the transitory human life.

For example, it might be the symbol of an ancient alien race

So does symbol == emblem? (obviously not but..) I have a feeling that people are going to be whinning about the difference. I personally think you should have used the word symbol to simplify things.

don't think a Q logo is gonna cut it for the game

This is exactly my point. Just dont even start up on it. I mean really, what more do you want? Does it offend you that it is an already established letter in our alphabet? Would your rather it be the "artist formally known as prince" symbol or something? I hope someone makes thier "emblem" a square just to piss you off.

For example, it might be the symbol of an ancient alien race that the player is investigating

They even use the word symbol to describe ther emblem in the definition. I wish fancy words were avoided for clarity. Maybe its just me, but emblem (as opposed to just saying symbol - because that is what is really meant) seems to consfuse matters.

I just do not want all the nerds to start debating about the difference between an emblem versus a symbol. Put some kind of visual in your game that represents something,and your set. The letter 'q' is very valid, just like a square would be valid, or a smile, or my poop in a toilet. You just gonna have to attempt to not nit pick the crap out of the definition. good luck, youll need it.

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