Universal Camera! Lesson #49
I am trying to make an opengl game where the user can rotate in *any* direction and then move in the direction he is pointing. In other words, a game where the user *is* the camera, as in a first person shooter, but where the user can rotate on any axis fully (and not with just the usual limiation of 180 degrees on the y-axis and 0 degrees on the z-axis). I have done some research which seems to indicate that the best way this is to use quaternions so that the camera avoids gimbal lock. I have read various articles on how to create a quaternion camera. But I think it would be *very* useful if there were a basic tutorial on the Nehe site which explained how to do this properly.
I have talked to a half dozen different people who have wanted to implement this, and *theoretically* know how to do it, but have never taken the time to do it because it was not explained in a simple way with good *working* code to help guide them. Anyhow, it seems like it would be a perfect tutorial for the Nehe site, and would inspire many programmers. It's seems like it might even be a simple extension to the ArcBall lesson-- I'm sure there are lots of people who could whip a tutorial up in a couple of hours. You will be famous and revered if you make these lessons described below!
*Lesson 49A*
As an example the lesson could have a spaceship/camera flying through space, where there is no limiting concept of up or down. Six keys on the keyboard could map to rotating the camera on the x, y, and z axes. The space bar could "thrust" the spaceship/camera in the direction he is facing toward different planets or whatever.
*Lesson 49B*
Also, a good and I think important example (and probably a simple one for someone who knows what they are doing!) would be to have a camera/user be facing a particular point (say, the origin) and have keys on the keyboard mapped to rotating/orbiting the camera to the left/right and up/down directions *around a sphere* at some distance from the origin. Two other keys could control the distance toward or away from the center of sphere (the origin). In this example, the camera would *always* be facing the origin, and the camera would always be oribiting/rotating on the surface of a sphere.
I would be grateful if this lesson existed, and if it does actually exist somewhere, please direct me to it! Also, if I described the lessons unclearly let me know.
Oooh, very interesting challenge. Spent a bit of time on it, but eventually I whipped out a way to track the camera mathematically, before I realized I can just retrieve the matrix stored by OGL (d'oh!).
Here's my version, which stores a matrix corresponding to the axis of the camera, and moving forward just takes an arbitrary vector (0 0 1 1) to move forward by, and moves the position.
The class has a function rotatef(double, double, double, double) which works just as the normal glRotatef functions - call it as rotatef(90,0,1,0) and it will rotate the camera 90 degrees on the y-axis.
The move(double) function will move the camera that many units in the direction the camera is currently pointing.
And yes, all this can be easily optimized.
Here's my version, which stores a matrix corresponding to the axis of the camera, and moving forward just takes an arbitrary vector (0 0 1 1) to move forward by, and moves the position.
The class has a function rotatef(double, double, double, double) which works just as the normal glRotatef functions - call it as rotatef(90,0,1,0) and it will rotate the camera 90 degrees on the y-axis.
The move(double) function will move the camera that many units in the direction the camera is currently pointing.
And yes, all this can be easily optimized.
#ifndef MATH_STRUCTURES#define MATH_STRUCTURES#include <math.h>const double piover180 = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886; class MPoint{public: double x; double y; double z; double t; MPoint operator+(const MPoint c); MPoint operator-(const MPoint c); MPoint operator*(const double c); MPoint operator ~(); /* Normalize */ double operator !(); /* length */ double& operator[](const int i); MPoint();};#endif
#ifndef MATHOBJECT#define MATHOBJECT#include "MATH_Structures.h"#include <math.h>typedef enum { IDENTITY, ROTATE } tType;class MTransformation{public: double data[16]; MTransformation(); // Initialize to I_4 MTransformation(tType type, double a = 0.0, double b = 0.0, double c = 0.0, double d = 0.0); MPoint apply(MPoint a); // Apply transformation to point MTransformation apply(MTransformation A); // Apply transformation to transformation // if this is B, result is BA double& operator[](const int i);};class MObject{public: MPoint position; MTransformation axis; MPoint direction(); MPoint upvector(); MPoint rightvector(); void move(double t); void rotate(double degrees, double x, double y, double z);};#endif
#include "Math_Structures.h"MPoint::MPoint(){ x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; t = 1;}MPoint MPoint::operator +(const MPoint c){ MPoint p; p.x = x + c.x; p.y = y + c.y; p.z = z + c.z; return p;}MPoint MPoint::operator -(const MPoint c){ MPoint p; p.x = x - c.x; p.y = y - c.y; p.z = z - c.z; return p;}MPoint MPoint::operator *(const double c){ MPoint p; p.x = x * c; p.y = y * c; p.z = z * c; return p;}MPoint MPoint::operator ~(){ MPoint p; MPoint c = *this; double l = c.x * c.x + c.y * c.y + c.z * c.z; l = sqrt(l); p.x = c.x / l; p.y = c.y / l; p.z = c.z / l; return p;}double MPoint::operator ! (){ double l = x * x + y * y + z * z; l = sqrt(l); return l;}double& MPoint::operator [](int i){ if (i == 0) return x; if (i == 1) return y; if (i == 2) return z; return t;}
#include "MATH_Object.h"MTransformation::MTransformation(){ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { data = ((i % 4) == (i / 4)); }}MTransformation::MTransformation(tType type, double a, double b, double c, double d){ if (type == IDENTITY) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { data = ((i % 4) == (i / 4)); } } else if (type == ROTATE) { double cD = cos(a); double sD = sin(a); double x = b; double y = c; double z = d; data[0] = cD + (1 - cD) * x * x; data[1] = (1 - cD) * x * y - sD * z; data[2] = (1 - cD) * x * z + sD * y; data[3] = 0; data[4] = (1 - cD) * y * x + sD * z; data[5] = cD + (1 - cD) * y * y; data[6] = (1 - cD) * y * z - sD * x; data[7] = 0; data[8] = (1 - cD) * z * x - sD * y; data[9] = (1 - cD) * z * y + sD * x; data[10] = cD + (1 - cD) * z * z; data[11] = 0; data[12] = 0; data[13] = 0; data[14] = 0; data[15] = 1; }}double& MTransformation::operator [](int i){ return data;}MPoint MTransformation::apply(MPoint a){ MPoint m; m[0] = data[0] * a[0] + data[1] * a[1] + data[2] * a[2] + data[3] * a[3]; m[1] = data[4] * a[0] + data[5] * a[1] + data[6] * a[2] + data[7] * a[3]; m[2] = data[8] * a[0] + data[9] * a[1] + data[10] * a[2] + data[11] * a[3]; m[3] = data[12] * a[0] + data[13] * a[1] + data[14] * a[2] + data[15] * a[3]; return m;}MTransformation MTransformation::apply(MTransformation A){ MTransformation m; m[0] = data[0] * A[0] + data[1] * A[4] + data[2] * A[8] + data[3] * A[12]; m[1] = data[0] * A[1] + data[1] * A[5] + data[2] * A[9] + data[3] * A[13]; m[2] = data[0] * A[2] + data[1] * A[6] + data[2] * A[10] + data[3] * A[14]; m[3] = data[0] * A[3] + data[1] * A[7] + data[2] * A[11] + data[3] * A[15]; m[4] = data[4] * A[0] + data[5] * A[4] + data[6] * A[8] + data[7] * A[12]; m[5] = data[4] * A[1] + data[5] * A[5] + data[6] * A[9] + data[7] * A[13]; m[6] = data[4] * A[2] + data[5] * A[6] + data[6] * A[10] + data[7] * A[14]; m[7] = data[4] * A[3] + data[5] * A[7] + data[6] * A[11] + data[7] * A[15]; m[8] = data[8] * A[0] + data[9] * A[4] + data[10] * A[8] + data[11] * A[12]; m[9] = data[8] * A[1] + data[9] * A[5] + data[10] * A[9] + data[11] * A[13]; m[10] = data[8] * A[2] + data[9] * A[6] + data[10] * A[10] + data[11] * A[14]; m[11] = data[8] * A[3] + data[9] * A[7] + data[10] * A[11] + data[11] * A[15]; m[12] = data[12] * A[0] + data[13] * A[4] + data[14] * A[8] + data[15] * A[12]; m[13] = data[12] * A[1] + data[13] * A[5] + data[14] * A[9] + data[15] * A[13]; m[14] = data[12] * A[2] + data[13] * A[6] + data[14] * A[10] + data[15] * A[14]; m[15] = data[12] * A[3] + data[13] * A[7] + data[14] * A[11] + data[15] * A[15]; return m;}void MObject::move(double t){ MPoint forward; forward[2] = 1.0; forward = axis.apply(forward); position = position + (forward * t);}void MObject::rotate(double degrees, double x, double y, double z){ MTransformation t(ROTATE, degrees * piover180, x,y,z); axis = axis.apply(t);}MPoint MObject::direction(){ MPoint forward; forward[2] = 1.0; forward = axis.apply(forward); return forward;}MPoint MObject::upvector(){ MPoint forward; forward[1] = 1.0; forward = axis.apply(forward); return forward;}MPoint MObject::rightvector(){ MPoint forward; forward[0] = 1.0; forward = axis.apply(forward); return forward;}
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