
AngelScript on OS X 10.3

Started by June 01, 2006 11:45 AM
21 comments, last by WitchLord 18 years, 4 months ago
Re: __cdecl error in PPC gcc 3.3 for test_object3

Changing __cdecl to __attribute((__cdecl__)) works, but the compiler just warns that it's ignoring the __cdecl__ declaration.

So, instead of changing every line with __cdecl, I add the following at the head of test_object3.

#if (defined(PPC) || defined(AS_PPC))
#define __cdecl

That got rid of the errs and warning. But....
Is it proper to do this??


This is not a request for you to do my debugging. However... I sorely could use some advice.

Below is the GDB outut of an addressing err. Could you look at it and advise me as to what I should trace/watch/trap etc. to get closer to the error.

I know that the code has just been through the PrepareSystemFunction( because I have a processor asm("trap") there. And CallSystemFunction( has *not* been invoked because I have a trap there also.

PPC OS X 10.3; gcc 3.3; and a new 512meg memory module just so I could keep CodeBlocks and GDB in memory at the same time. What a luxury :~)


//---- GDB trace -------------------------------------------------------------------
(gdb) r
The program being debugged has been started already.
Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y
Starting program: /Volumes/Seagate/MAC/Proj/AngelScript-260/sdk/tests/test_feature/bin/asTestFeatures

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
0x0003e2e0 in asCContext::ExecuteNext() (this=0x9047e0) at ../../source/as_context.cpp:1066
1066 *l_sp = *(l_fp - SWORDARG0(l_bc));
(gdb) l
1061 l_bc += 2;
1062 break;
1064 case BC_PshV4:
1065 --l_sp;
1066 *l_sp = *(l_fp - SWORDARG0(l_bc));
1067 l_bc++;
1068 break;
1070 case BC_PSF:
(gdb) bt
#0 0x0003e2e0 in asCContext::ExecuteNext() (this=0x9047e0) at ../../source/as_context.cpp:1066
#1 0x0003d55c in asCContext::Execute() (this=0x9047e0) at ../../source/as_context.cpp:810
#2 0x00055160 in asCModule::CallInit() (this=0x9044a0) at ../../source/as_module.cpp:158
#3 0x00054fd8 in asCModule::Build(asIOutputStream*) (this=0x9044a0, out=0xbffffae0) at ../../source/as_module.cpp:127
#4 0x00044f68 in asCScriptEngine::Build(char const*) (this=0x1000600, module=0x0) at ../../source/as_scriptengine.cpp:307
#5 0x000243f4 in TestScriptClassMethod::Test() () at ../../source/test_scriptclassmethod.cpp:111
#6 0x00003ad4 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffca4) at ../../source/main.cpp:146
(gdb) p l_sp
$1 = (asDWORD *) 0x10b3618
(gdb) p *l_sp
$2 = 0
(gdb) p l_fp
$3 = (asDWORD *) 0x1001a00
(gdb) p *l_fp
$4 = 0
(gdb) p l_bc
$5 = (asDWORD *) 0x908134
(gdb) p *l_bc
$6 = 57883194
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0003e2e0 in asCContext::ExecuteNext() (this=0x9047e0) at ../../source/as_context.cpp:1066
l_bc = (asDWORD *) 0x908134
l_sp = (asDWORD *) 0x10b3618
l_fp = (asDWORD *) 0x1001a00
#1 0x0003d55c in asCContext::Execute() (this=0x9047e0) at ../../source/as_context.cpp:810
No locals.
#2 0x00055160 in asCModule::CallInit() (this=0x9044a0) at ../../source/as_module.cpp:158
id = 65535
ctx = (asIScriptContext *) 0x9047e0
r = 0
#3 0x00054fd8 in asCModule::Build(asIOutputStream*) (this=0x9044a0, out=0xbffffae0) at ../../source/as_module.cpp:127
r = 0
#4 0x00044f68 in asCScriptEngine::Build(char const*) (this=0x1000600, module=0x0) at ../../source/as_scriptengine.cpp:307
mod = (asCModule *) 0x9044a0
#5 0x000243f4 in TestScriptClassMethod::Test() () at ../../source/test_scriptclassmethod.cpp:111
fail = false
r = -1878865696
engine = (asIScriptEngine *) 0x1000600
out = {
<asIOutputStream> = {
_vptr$asIOutputStream = 0x1610e8
}, <No data fields>}
bout = {
<asIOutputStream> = {
_vptr$asIOutputStream = 0x1610b8
members of CBufferedOutStream:
buffer = {
static npos = 4294967295,
_M_dataplus = {
<allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>},
members of _Alloc_hider:
_M_p = 0x14e908 ""
static _S_empty_rep_storage = {0, 0, 13, 0}
ctx = (asIScriptContext *) 0x0
typeId = 0
s = (asIScriptStruct *) 0x0
mtdId = -1073742684
obj = (void *) 0xbffffb80
#6 0x00003ad4 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffca4) at ../../source/main.cpp:146
No locals.

[Edited by - pecan on June 9, 2006 8:19:50 PM]
According to your output the script engine is failing when executing the @init script function that initializes the global script variables.

Could you show me the contents of the file AS_DEBUG/__@init.txt? This file is generated if you compile the library with the flag AS_DEBUG defined.

If you want to debug the VM you should set a break point on the switch case in the asCContext::ExecuteNext(). It may also be good idea to follow the execution manually by looking at the bytecode output in the AS_DEBUG folder mentioned above.

You could also try to narrow down which test cases that fails. You can do this by commenting the test cases that fails in the main.cpp module. Then you can work them one by one fixing the problems until all works.

Andreas - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game

WitchLord, you mentioned in your latest news that you would like to keep improving the 64 bit support in AS, but that you don't currently have access to a 64 bit machine yourself. I am not sure if you were aware of the possibility for sourceforge developers to opt in for "compile farm" access, providing you access to a whole number of different platforms?
Among those compile farm servers, also several 64bit machines, as well as MacOS machines that you may want to use to test the MacOS support in AS.

Check the sourceforge docs for further details.

Yeah, I was told that SourceForge has this service, but I haven't had the time to check it out.

I will try to make an extra effort to look into this as soon as possible, since it seems that others are really needing the 64bit port. Mandrav from Code::Blocks do not have the time to finish the port he begun with, so he will send me the progress that he made and we'll see if I can finish it.

Andreas - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game

Compile Farm Docs:

Using SSH authentication:

AMD offers a free download for an AMD64 bit CPU emulator:

The AMD SimNow™ simulator is an AMD64 technology-compatible x86 platform emulator for AMD's family of processors. It is designed to provide an accurate model of a computer system from the program, OS, and programmer's point of view. SimNow has been used successfully to emulate multiple different complete uniprocessor and multiprocessor PC systems, which run several commercial operating systems and applications. It allows fast simulation of an entire computer system, plus standard debugging features such as break-pointing, memory-viewing, and single-stepping. The simulator has slowdown between 10:1 and 100:1 from the host CPU, depending on whether the workload is in the CPU core or accessing simulated devices. With this slowdown SimNow is found to be much faster than other high-fidelity simulators. The AMD SimNow simulator runs on both Linux64 for AMD processor-based systems and Windows® for 64-bit AMD processor-based systems.
Since I won't be working on AngelScipt for CodeBlocks anymore, I'd like to post what I've done. Hopefully someone else can use it.
This (untested) code is for the ppc and supports int's, floats, and doubles.

As angelscript will not compile cleanly under gcc3.3(__APPLE__) I had to make patches to avoid segfaults. I spent most of the time patching, not testing this code.

But... for what it's worth...


//-- as_callfunc_ppc.cpp ---------------------------------------
AngelCode Scripting Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Andreas Jönsson

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
documentation would be appreciated but is not required.

2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source

The original version of this library can be located at:

Andreas Jönsson

// as_callfunc_ppc.cpp
// These functions handle the actual calling of system functions
// This version is PPC specific
// Modified from as_callfunc_sh4.cpp by pecan heber June 2006

#include <stdio.h>

#include "as_config.h"

#ifdef AS_PPC

#include "as_callfunc.h"
#include "as_scriptengine.h"
#include "as_texts.h"
#include "as_tokendef.h"

#include <stdlib.h>


#define AS_PPC_MAX_ARGS 32
#define AS_MAX_REG_FLOATS 13
#define AS_MAX_REG_INTS 8

#define eq ==
//these register defines are logical/reference only, not used by asm()
#define sp r1
#define rFloatUsedCount r22
#define rGPRusedCount r23
#define rArgDataType r24
#define rArgTypePtr r25
#define rStackPtr r26
#define rFuncPtr r27
#define rArgsPtr r29
#define rTemp1 r30
#define rTemp2 r31

// The array used to send values to the correct places.
// Contains a byte of argTypes to indicate the register tYpe to load
// or zero if end of arguments
// The +1 is for when CallThis (object methods) is used
// Extra +1 when returning in memory
// Extra +1 in ppcArgsType to ensure zero end-of-args marker

extern "C" {
enum argTypes { ppcENDARG, ppcINTARG, ppcFLOATARG, ppcDOUBLEARG };
static asBYTE ppcArgsType[AS_PPC_MAX_ARGS + 1 + 1 + 1];
static asDWORD ppcArgs[AS_PPC_MAX_ARGS + 1 + 1];

// Loads all data into the correct places and calls the function.
// ppcArgsType is an array containing a byte type (enum argTypes) for each argument.
// stackArgSize is the size in bytes for how much data to put on the stack frame
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
extern "C" asQWORD ppcFunc(const asDWORD* argsPtr, int StackArgSize, asDWORD func);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
" .align 4\n"
" .globl _ppcFunc\n"
// setup stack
" mflr r0 \n"
// stmw r30, -8(sp)
" stmw r30, -8(r1) \n"
// stw r0, 8(sp)
" stw r0, 8(r1) \n"
// mr rTemp1,r4 // stacksize
" mr r30,r4 \n" // stacksize
// addi rTemp1,rTemp1,24 // plus link/save area standard size
" addi r30, r30, 24 \n" // plus link/save area standard size
// mr rTemp2, sp
" mr r31, r1 \n"
// sub sp, sp, rTemp1 // set our stack frame
" sub r1, r1, r30 \n" // set our stack frame
// stw rTemp2, 0(sp) // stow callers stack frame ptr
" stw r31, 0(r1) \n" // stow callers stack frame ptr
// mr rFuncPtr, r5 // function ptr to call
" mr r27, r5 \n" // function ptr to call
// mr rArgsPtr, r3 // arguments pointer
" mr r29, r3 \n" // arguments pointer

// Clear some registers
" sub r0,r0,r0 \n"
// mr rGPRusedCount,r0 //counting of used/assigned GPR's
" mr r23,r0 \n"
// mr rFloadUsedCount,r0 //counting of used/assigned Float Registers
" mr r22,r0 \n"

// fetch address of argument types array
// lis rArgTypePtr, ha16(ppcArgsType)
" lis r25, ha16(ppcArgsType) \n"
// addi rArgTypePtr, rArgTypePtr, lo16(ppcArgsType)
" addi r25, r25, lo16(ppcArgsType) \n"

// Load and stack registers according to type of argument
// subi rArgTypePtr, rArgTypePtr, 1
" subi r25, r25, 1 \n"

"ppcNextArg: \n"
// addi rArgTypePtr, rArgTypePtr, 1
" addi r25, r25, 1 \n"
// This is like switch{case:0; case:int; case:float; case:double}
// lbz rArgDataType,0(rArgTypePtr)
" lbz r24, 0(r25) \n"
// mulli r0,rArgDataType,2
" mulli r24, r24, 2 \n"
// lis rTemp1, ha16(ppcTypeSwitch)
" lis r30, ha16(ppcTypeSwitch) \n"
// addi rTemp1, lo16(ppcTypeSwitch)
" addi r30, r30, lo16(ppcTypeSwitch) \n"
// add rTemp1, rTemp1, rArgDataType
" add r30, r30, r24 \n"
// mtctr rTemp1
" mtctr r30 \n"
" bctr \n"
"ppcTypeSwitch: \n"
" b ppcArgsEnd \n"
" b ppcArgIsInteger \n"
" b ppcArgIsFloat \n"
" b ppcArgIsDouble \n"

// Load and stack General Purpose registers (integer arguments)
"ppcArgIsInteger: \n"
// lis rTemp1,ha16(ppcLoadIntReg)
// addi rTemp1,rTemp1,lo16(ppcLoadIntReg)
" lis r30,ha16(ppcLoadIntReg) \n"
" addi r30, r30, lo16(ppcLoadIntReg) \n"
// mulli r0,rGPRusedCount,8
" mulli r0, r23, 8 \n"
// add rTemp1,rTemp1, r0
" add r30, r30, r0 \n"
// lwz r11,0(rArgsPtr)
" lwz r11,0(r29) \n"
// cmpwi rGPRusedCount,AS_MAX_REG_INTS \n" // can only load GPR3 through GPR10
" cmpwi r23, 8 \n" // can only load GPR3 through GPR10
" bgt ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n" // store in stack if GPR overflow
// mtctr rTemp1
" mtctr r30 \n"
" bctr \n" // else load a GPR, then store in stack
"ppcLoadIntReg: \n"
" mr r3,r11 \n"
" b ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n"
" mr r4,r11 \n"
" b ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n"
" mr r5,r11 \n"
" b ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n"
" mr r6,r11 \n"
" b ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n"
" mr r7,r11 \n"
" b ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n"
" mr r8,r11 \n"
" b ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n"
" mr r9,r11 \n"
" b ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n"
" mr r10,r11 \n"
" b ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n"
"ppcLoadIntRegUpd: \n"
// stw r11,0(rStackPtr)
" stw r11,0(r26) \n"
// addi rGPRusedCount,rGPRusedCount,1
" addi r23, r23, 1 \n"
// addi rArgsPtr,rArgsPtr,4
" addi r29, r29, 4 \n"
// addi rStackPtr,rStackPtr,4
" addi r26, r26, 4 \n"
" b ppcNextArg \n"

// Load and stack float single arguments
"ppcArgIsFloat: \n"
// lis rTemp1,ha16(ppcLoadFloatReg)
// addi rTemp1,rTemp1,lo16(ppcLoadFloatReg)
" lis r30,ha16(ppcLoadFloatReg) \n"
" addi r30, r30, lo16(ppcLoadFloatReg)\n"
// mulli r0,rFloatUsedCount,8
" mulli r0, r22 ,8 \n"
// add rTemp1,rTemp1, r0
" add r30, r30, r0 \n"
// lfs f15,0(rArgsPtr)
" lfs f15, 0(r29) \n"
// cmpwi rFloatUsedCount,AS_MAX_REG_FLOATS // can't load more than 14 float/double regs
" cmpwi r22, 13 \n" // can't load more than 14 float/double regs
" bgt ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n" // store float into stack area
// mtctr rTemp1 \n"
" mtctr r30 \n"
" bctr \n" // else load reg, then store into stack area
"ppcLoadFloatReg: \n"
" fmr f0,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f1,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f2,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f3,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f4,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f5,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f6,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f7,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f8,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f9,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f10,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f11,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f12,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f13,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
" fmr f14,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadFloatRegUpd \n"
"ppcLoadFloatRegUpd: \n"
// stfs f15,0(rStackPtr)
" stfs f15, 0(r26) \n"
// addi rFloatUsedCount,1
" addi r22, r22, 1 \n"
// addi rGPRusedCount,1 //a float reg eats up a GPR
" addi r23, r23, 1 \n" //a float reg eats up a GPR
// addi rArgsPtr,4
" addi r29, r29, 4 \n"
// addi rStackPtr,4
" addi r26, r26, 4 \n"
" b ppcNextArg \n"

// Load and stack a Double float argument
"ppcArgIsDouble: \n"
// lis rTemp1,ha16(ppcLoadDoubleReg)
" lis r30, ha16(ppcLoadDoubleReg) \n"
// addi rTemp1,lo16(ppcLoadDoubleReg)
" addi r30, r30, lo16(ppcLoadDoubleReg)\n"
// mulli r0,rFloatUsedCount,8 //calc branch for float reg
" mulli r0, r22, 8 \n" //calc branch for float reg
// add rTemp1,r0
" add r30, r30, r0 \n"
// lfd f15,0(rArgPtr)
" lfd f15, 0(r29) \n"
// cmpwi rFloatUsedCount,AS_MAX_REG_FLOATS // Can't load more than 14 float regs
" cmpwi r22,13 \n" // Can't load more than 14 float regs
" bgt ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n" // just store it into the stack
// mtctr rTemp1
" mtctr r30 \n"
" bctr \n" // else load double, then store into stack
"ppcLoadDoubleReg: \n"
" fmr f0,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f1,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f2,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f3,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f4,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f5,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f6,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f7,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f8,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f9,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f10,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f11,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f12,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f13,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd \n"
" fmr f14,f15 \n"
" b ppcLoadIntRegUpd \n"
"ppcLoadDoubleRegUpd: \n"
// stfd f14,0(rStackPtr)
" stfd f14,0(r26) \n"
// addi rFloatUsedCount,1
" addi r22, r22, 1 \n"
// addi rGPRusedCount,2 //a double float eats up two GPRs
" addi r23, r23, 2 \n" //a double float eats up two GPRs
// addi rArgsPtr,8
" addi r29, r29, 8 \n"
// addi rStackPtr,8
" addi r26, r26, 8 \n"
" b ppcNextArg \n" // go get next argument

// End of arguments, registers are loaded, stack is set, call function
"ppcArgsEnd: \n"
// mtlr rFuncPtr
" mtlr r27 \n"
" bl \n"
// function returned
// lwz sp, 0(sp) \n" // restore callers stack
" lwz r1, 0(r1) \n" // restore callers stack
// lwz r0, 8(sp) \n" // fetch return link to caller
" lwz r0, 8(r1) \n" // fetch return link to caller
// lmw r30, -8(sp) \n" // restore staved regs
" lmw r30, -8(r1) \n" // restore staved regs
" blr \n" // return to caller
" .align 4\n"
" .long _ppcArgsType\n"
// puts the arguments in the correct place in the stack array. See comments above.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void stackArgs(const asDWORD *args, int& numIntArgs, int& numFloatArgs, int& numDoubleArgs)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
int i;

int argWordPos = numIntArgs + numFloatArgs + (numDoubleArgs*2) ;

for(i = 0; i < AS_PPC_MAX_ARGS; i++)
if ( ppcArgsType eq ppcENDARG )

if( ppcArgsType eq ppcFLOATARG )
// stow float
((float*)ppcArgs)[argWordPos] = (float)(args);
argWordPos++; //add one word
if ( ppcArgsType eq ppcDOUBLEARG )
// stow double
((double*)ppcArgs)[argWordPos] = (double)(args);
argWordPos+=2; //add two words
if( ppcArgsType eq ppcINTARG )
// stow register
((int*)ppcArgs)[argWordPos] = (int)(args);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
asQWORD CallCDeclFunction(const asDWORD* pArgs, int argSize, asDWORD func)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int intArgs = 0;
int floatArgs = 0;
int doubleArgs = 0;

// put the arguments in the correct places in the ppcArgs array
if(argSize > 0)
stackArgs( pArgs, intArgs, floatArgs, doubleArgs );

asm(" trap\n nop\n");
printf("calling ppcFunc, %d %d %d %p.. %p.. %d...\n", intArgs, floatArgs, doubleArgs, (void*)func, ppcFunc, (int)ppcArgs[0]);
//-return ppcFunc(intArgs << 2, floatArgs << 2, restArgs << 2, func);
return ppcFunc( ppcArgs, argSize, func);

// This function is identical to CallCDeclFunction, with the only difference that
// the value in the first parameter is the object
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
asQWORD CallThisCallFunction(const void *obj, const asDWORD* pArgs, int argSize, asDWORD func )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int intArgs = 1;
int floatArgs = 0;
int doubleArgs = 0;

ppcArgs[0] = (asDWORD) obj;
ppcArgsType[0] = ppcINTARG;

// put the arguments in the correct places in the ppcArgs array
if (argSize > 0)
stackArgs( pArgs, intArgs, floatArgs, doubleArgs );

asm(" trap\n nop\n");
printf("calling from CallThisCall...\n");
return ppcFunc( pArgs, argSize + sizeof(obj), func);

// This function is identical to CallCDeclFunction, with the only difference that
// the value in the last parameter is the object
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
asQWORD CallThisCallFunction_objLast(const void *obj, const asDWORD* pArgs, int argSize, asDWORD func)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int intArgs = 0;
int floatArgs = 0;
int doubleArgs = 0;

stackArgs( pArgs, intArgs, floatArgs, doubleArgs );
int numArgs = intArgs + floatArgs + doubleArgs ;
if( numArgs < AS_PPC_MAX_ARGS )
int argPos = intArgs + floatArgs + (doubleArgs*2/*words*/);
ppcArgs[argPos] = (asDWORD) obj;
ppcArgsType[numArgs] = ppcINTARG;

asm(" trap\n nop\n");
printf("calling from CallThisCallFunction_objlast...\n");
return ppcFunc( pArgs, argSize+sizeof(obj), func );

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int DetectCallingConvention(bool isMethod, const asUPtr &ptr, int callConv, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
memset(internal, 0, sizeof(asSSystemFunctionInterface));

internal->func = (asDWORD)ptr.f.func;

unsigned int base = callConv;
if( !isMethod )
if( base == asCALL_CDECL )
internal->callConv = ICC_CDECL;
else if( base == asCALL_STDCALL )
internal->callConv = ICC_STDCALL;
else if( base == asCALL_GENERIC )
internal->callConv = ICC_GENERIC_FUNC;
if( base == asCALL_THISCALL )
internal->callConv = ICC_THISCALL;
if( (asDWORD(ptr.f.func) & 1) )
internal->callConv = ICC_VIRTUAL_THISCALL;
internal->baseOffset = MULTI_BASE_OFFSET(ptr);

// We don't support virtual inheritance
if( VIRTUAL_BASE_OFFSET(ptr) != 0 )
if( base == asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST )
internal->callConv = ICC_CDECL_OBJLAST;
else if( base == asCALL_CDECL_OBJFIRST )
internal->callConv = ICC_CDECL_OBJFIRST;
else if( base == asCALL_GENERIC )
internal->callConv = ICC_GENERIC_METHOD;

return 0;

// This function should prepare system functions so that it will be faster to call them
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int PrepareSystemFunction(asCScriptFunction *func, asSSystemFunctionInterface *internal, asCScriptEngine *engine)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

UNUSED(engine); //pecan 2006.6.8

// References are always returned as primitive data
if( func->returnType.IsReference() || func->returnType.IsObjectHandle() )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = false;
internal->hostReturnSize = 1;
internal->hostReturnFloat = false;
// Registered types have special flags that determine how they are returned
else if( func->returnType.IsObject() )
asDWORD objType = func->returnType.GetObjectType()->flags;
if( objType & asOBJ_CLASS )
if( objType & COMPLEX_MASK )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = true;
internal->hostReturnSize = 1;
internal->hostReturnFloat = false;
internal->hostReturnFloat = false;
if( func->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords() > 2 )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = true;
internal->hostReturnSize = 1;
internal->hostReturnInMemory = false;
internal->hostReturnSize = func->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords();

if( internal->callConv == ICC_THISCALL ||
internal->callConv == ICC_VIRTUAL_THISCALL )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = true;
internal->hostReturnSize = 1;
if( internal->callConv == ICC_CDECL ||
internal->callConv == ICC_CDECL_OBJLAST ||
internal->callConv == ICC_CDECL_OBJFIRST )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = true;
internal->hostReturnSize = 1;
if( internal->callConv == ICC_STDCALL )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = true;
internal->hostReturnSize = 1;
else if( objType == asOBJ_PRIMITIVE )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = false;
internal->hostReturnSize = func->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords();
internal->hostReturnFloat = false;
else if( objType == asOBJ_FLOAT )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = false;
internal->hostReturnSize = func->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords();
internal->hostReturnFloat = true;
// Primitive types can easily be determined
else if( func->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords() > 2 )
// Shouldn't be possible to get here

internal->hostReturnInMemory = true;
internal->hostReturnSize = 1;
internal->hostReturnFloat = false;
else if( func->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords() == 2 )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = false;
internal->hostReturnSize = 2;
internal->hostReturnFloat = func->returnType.IsEqualExceptConst(asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(ttDouble, true));
else if( func->returnType.GetSizeInMemoryDWords() == 1 )
internal->hostReturnInMemory = false;
internal->hostReturnSize = 1;
internal->hostReturnFloat = func->returnType.IsEqualExceptConst(asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(ttFloat, true));
internal->hostReturnInMemory = false;
internal->hostReturnSize = 0;
internal->hostReturnFloat = false;

// Calculate the size needed for the parameters
internal->paramSize = func->GetSpaceNeededForArguments();

// Verify if the function takes any objects by value
asUINT n;
internal->takesObjByVal = false;
for( n = 0; n < func->parameterTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( func->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !func->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !func->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
internal->takesObjByVal = true;

// Verify if the function has any registered autohandles
internal->hasAutoHandles = false;
for( n = 0; n < internal->paramAutoHandles.GetLength(); n++ )
if( internal->paramAutoHandles[n] )
internal->hasAutoHandles = true;

return 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
asDWORD GetReturnedFloat()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
asDWORD f;

//asm("swc1 $f0, %0\n" : "=m"(f));
asm(" stfs f0, %0\n" : "=m"(f));

return f;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
asQWORD GetReturnedDouble()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
asQWORD f;

//asm("swc1 $f0, %0\n" : "=m"(f));
asm(" stfd f0, %0\n" : "=m"(f));

return f;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context, void *objectPointer)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
memset( ppcArgsType, 0, sizeof(ppcArgsType));
id = -id - 1;

asCScriptEngine *engine = context->engine;
asSSystemFunctionInterface *sysFunc = engine->systemFunctionInterfaces[id];
int callConv = sysFunc->callConv;
if( callConv == ICC_GENERIC_FUNC || callConv == ICC_GENERIC_METHOD )
return context->CallGeneric(-id-1, objectPointer);

asQWORD retQW = 0;

asCScriptFunction *descr = engine->systemFunctions[id];

void *func = (void*)sysFunc->func;
int paramSize = sysFunc->paramSize;
asDWORD *args = context->stackPointer;
void *retPointer = 0;
void *obj = 0;
asDWORD *vftable;
int popSize = paramSize;

context->objectType = descr->returnType.GetObjectType();
if( descr->returnType.IsObject() && !descr->returnType.IsReference() && !descr->returnType.IsObjectHandle() )
// Allocate the memory for the object
retPointer = engine->CallAlloc(descr->returnType.GetObjectType());
ppcArgs[AS_PPC_MAX_ARGS+1] = (asDWORD) retPointer;
ppcArgsType[AS_PPC_MAX_ARGS+1] = ppcINTARG;

if( sysFunc->hostReturnInMemory )
// The return is made in memory

if( callConv >= ICC_THISCALL )
if( objectPointer )
obj = objectPointer;
// The object pointer should be popped from the context stack

// Check for null pointer
obj = (void*)*(args + paramSize);
if( obj == 0 )
if( retPointer )
engine->CallFree(descr->returnType.GetObjectType(), retPointer);
return 0;

// Add the base offset for multiple inheritance
obj = (void*)(int(obj) + sysFunc->baseOffset);

// Don't keep a reference to the object pointer, as it is the
// responsibility of the application to make sure the reference
// is valid during the call
// if( descr->objectType->beh.addref )
// engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, descr->objectType->beh.addref);
assert(descr->parameterTypes.GetLength() <= AS_PPC_MAX_ARGS);

// mark all float/double/int arguments
for( int a = 0; a < (int)descr->parameterTypes.GetLength(); a++ ) {
ppcArgsType[a] = ppcINTARG;
if (descr->parameterTypes[a].IsFloatType())
ppcArgsType[a] = ppcFLOATARG;
if (descr->parameterTypes[a].IsDoubleType())
ppcArgsType[a] = ppcDOUBLEARG;

asDWORD paramBuffer[64];
if( sysFunc->takesObjByVal )
paramSize = 0;
int spos = 0;
int dpos = 1;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < descr->parameterTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK )
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
// Copy the object's memory to the buffer
memcpy(&paramBuffer[dpos], *(void**)(args+spos), descr->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeInMemoryBytes());
// Delete the original memory
engine->CallFree(descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType(), *(char**)(args+spos));
dpos += descr->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeInMemoryDWords();
paramSize += descr->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeInMemoryDWords();
// Copy the value directly
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords() > 1 )
paramBuffer[dpos++] = args[spos++];
paramSize += descr->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();
// Keep a free location at the beginning
args = &paramBuffer[1];

context->isCallingSystemFunction = true;
switch( callConv )
retQW = CallCDeclFunction( args, paramSize, (asDWORD)func );
retQW = CallThisCallFunction(obj, args, paramSize, (asDWORD)func );
// Get virtual function table from the object pointer
vftable = *(asDWORD**)obj;
retQW = CallThisCallFunction( obj, args, paramSize, vftable[asDWORD(func)>>2] );
retQW = CallThisCallFunction_objLast( obj, args, paramSize, (asDWORD)func );
retQW = CallThisCallFunction( obj, args, paramSize, (asDWORD)func );
context->isCallingSystemFunction = false;

if( sysFunc->takesObjByVal )
// Need to free the complex objects passed by value
args = context->stackPointer;
if( callConv >= ICC_THISCALL && !objectPointer )

int spos = 0;
for( int n = 0; n < (int)descr->parameterTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() &&
!descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() &&
(descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->flags & COMPLEX_MASK) )
void *obj = (void*)args[spos++];
asSTypeBehaviour *beh = &descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->beh;
if( beh->destruct )
engine->CallObjectMethod(obj, beh->destruct);

engine->CallFree(descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType(), obj);
spos += descr->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeInMemoryDWords();

// Store the returned value in our stack
if( descr->returnType.IsObject() && !descr->returnType.IsReference() )
if( descr->returnType.IsObjectHandle() )
context->objectRegister = (void*)(asDWORD)retQW;

if( sysFunc->returnAutoHandle && context->objectRegister )
engine->CallObjectMethod(context->objectRegister, descr->returnType.GetObjectType()->beh.addref);
if( !sysFunc->hostReturnInMemory )
// Copy the returned value to the pointer sent by the script engine
if( sysFunc->hostReturnSize == 1 )
*(asDWORD*)retPointer = (asDWORD)retQW;
*(asQWORD*)retPointer = retQW;

// Store the object in the register
context->objectRegister = retPointer;
// Store value in returnVal register
if( sysFunc->hostReturnFloat )
if( sysFunc->hostReturnSize == 1 )
*(asDWORD*)&context->register1 = GetReturnedFloat();
context->register1 = GetReturnedDouble();
else if( sysFunc->hostReturnSize == 1 )
*(asDWORD*)&context->register1 = (asDWORD)retQW;
context->register1 = retQW;

if( sysFunc->hasAutoHandles )
args = context->stackPointer;
if( callConv >= ICC_THISCALL && !objectPointer )

int spos = 0;
for( asUINT n = 0; n < descr->parameterTypes.GetLength(); n++ )
if( sysFunc->paramAutoHandles[n] && args[spos] )
// Call the release method on the type
engine->CallObjectMethod((void*)args[spos], descr->parameterTypes[n].GetObjectType()->beh.release);
args[spos] = 0;

if( descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObject() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsObjectHandle() && !descr->parameterTypes[n].IsReference() )
spos += descr->parameterTypes[n].GetSizeOnStackDWords();

return popSize;


#endif // AS_PPC

Thanks for posting what you have. I'll add it to the SVN.

I'm curious about the errors that you're having on Mac OS X. I have other developers using AngelScript just fine on Mac OS X.

Maybe I can get the Code::Blocks developers to reconsider the continued use of AngelScript, as I'm almost finished with the 64bit support. :)

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AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game

pecan, i've tried to plug your code into angelscript, but actually
there are a couple of broken variables names in the engine.
mainly in:

// -------------------------------------------------------------------int CallSystemFunction(int id, asCContext *context, void *objectPointer)// -------------------------------------------------------------------{	asm("trap");	memset( ppcArgsType, 0, sizeof(ppcArgsType));	id = -id - 1;	asCScriptEngine *engine = context->engine;	asSSystemFunctionInterface *sysFunc = engine->systemFunctionInterfaces[id];	int callConv = sysFunc->callConv;	if( callConv == ICC_GENERIC_FUNC || callConv == ICC_GENERIC_METHOD )		return context->CallGeneric(-id-1, objectPointer);	asQWORD retQW = 0;	asCScriptFunction *descr = engine->systemFunctions[id];

the variable engine->systemFunctionInterfaces[id] doesn't exists in the asCScriptEngine class.
also in engine->systemFunctions doesn't exists, you mean engine->scriptFunctions array ?
i would appreciate if you can post more info (i.e. if you changed other classes for making it running)...

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