Quote:Original post by Manic_Gamer [...]But one comment is when reading about levels. As Armor Upgrades.. I dont know exactly what you have in mind, However if the Armor Upgrades Means New 3d Models.. Then you could have a rather large work load for your 3d Artists.[...] |
I plan on the player characters always being inside a kind of 'powered armor' like that worn by Samus, so most upgrades will be icons that you drop into a slot on your suit. They might change the color of the suit, but very few items will actually have any physical appearance. I think for items lying in-game, it'll just be a generic square-ish 'techy thingy'. Maybe the items have different colored auras to represent what it is (yellow for shields, blue for weapon, green for suit-slot module, etc).
Quote:[...]A Suggestions on Skills and Spells.. well spells anyway is one keep them.. just becous its futuristic doesnt mean that magic has gone away.. I would just recomend creating magic that would have a different feel and purpose then your heavy weapons.[...] |
I don't like the idea of adding magic. Magic and tech can mix in wonderful ways in games like ShadowRun, but it's just not the way I see my game world. Psionics is ok, but I'm still having a hard time thinking up effects that don't belong elsewhere (on weapons, as suit modules, etc). Most positive abilities ('buffs') already belong on items of different types, and duplicating them as spells or skills seems redundant.
Quote:Original post by Gnarf [...]Think I'd prefer to use energy just for special abilities/skills rather than ammo.[...] |
Sure, but there needs to be a decent selection of skills/spells/etc that you'll use often for that to make any sense.
Quote:[...]What you could do is to make 3 different weapon types, say, light, medium and heavy. Medium would be more powerful than light and heavy more powerful than medium. Not all classes would be able to wield the heavy weapons, or dual wield things (some classes could be able to dual wield light weapons, or all classes could dual wield light weapons while some could have a medium in their main hand and a light in their offhand, or some such). In addition, certain effects could only show up on certain weapon types (no explosives on light weapons, for example).[...] |
A problem with this is that it sounds rather arbitrary. Also, it depends on classes that don't yet exist (and making classes solely for different weapon-wielding abilities would be odd imo, though perhaps that could be a skill).
Quote:[...]Skills could increase the power of all weapons, certain weapon types, certain effects etc,[...] |
I really don't like those kinds of skills, because it can be _extremely_ frustrating to find a new item that is far better than you current item only to find it's worthless to you because you didn't know that kind of weapon was good and put all your points in 'Axe' instead of 'Lance'. At the very least, this kind of skill mandates some way to 'unspend' points.
Quote:[...]spend x energy to spin around firing oh-so-rappidly for y secconds, or to jump and fire at the ground beneath you (might be decent for some heavy-explosive-weapon-wielding fella if swarmed by critters)). Some could be passive while others would cost energy to use.[...] |
These are decent skill ideas, and definitely more arcade-like. I'm still not sure there is enough to make distinct classes with their own skill trees. If there aren't enough skills that one will generally be quite helpful at any time, mana/energy won't be a resource so much as a waste of time and screen space.
Quote:[...]That way there'd be different classes and builds that are more/less effective for certain things, and prefer certain kinds (dependant on weapon type (size) and/or its effects) of weapons.[...] |
Well, there should already be better/worse builds in the system as is, since taking a slow-firing explosive weapon means you need to have backup (either an ally with a faster weapon or your secondary weapon is essentially a submachinegun).
Quote:Original post by Alpha_ProgDes I figure skills would be Skills. but split up into two sections inherent skills and armor-based skills. example: the player might be a natural with stealth, his armor gives him the skills of super fast computation or defense maneuvers only done with the suit on.
Spells would be, for me, any items which give an effect. examples are: portable shields, sound disrupters, satelite guided lasers, mini tanks that capture enemies and not be detected (or very hard to detect). |
While those are good ideas, I'm not sure how well they fit into the arcade-ish type of gameplay I'm aiming for. For example, a laser tripmine could be useful, but I'm not sure there will be enough tight spaces to make it meaningfull. A proximity mine/grenade, on the other hand could be very useful, but it makes more sense as either a single-use item or as a secondary weapon.
Quote:Original post by tstrimp [...]Also, why mess with what people know? Is there any reason to call it anything other then experience? That's what it is but when you rename it you remove that instant association people get when they read experience.[...] |
Sure, it's labeled experience, but it doesn't represent quite the same thing (even though it works exactly the same way). Such shallow games don't mess with what people know, they just make up different excuses =-)
Quote:[...]One thing that kept a lot of people playing Diablo was their unique weapons and in D2 and D2:LoD it was the set items. [...] So what kind of history do you have that would support those unique or set type items?[...] |
Well, the game takes place in a huge top-secret underground military labratory, so just about anything as far as equipment goes could be made unique. As far as set items, I was thinking of having the random items give bonuses that would encourage the use of groups of equipment (such as "+X% explosion radius"), especially in "item enhancement modules" (that fill slots aka 'sockets' in items). However, making 'uniques but more common with more bonuses when used together' isn't any different than uniques IMO, so it's also easily possible.
One simple thing to do would be to steal ideas from other game, such as making a doom-like BFG as a unique item, a redeemer from unreal tournament, etc. As far as what to base sets on, I'm not really sure. Any ideas?
Quote:[...]Instead of an alien invasion why not set it in more of a cyber punk type world ala Shadowrun? It had a mix of magic and low tech and hightech that worked quite well.[...] |
I don't want my game to be shadowrun-esque. In fact, my visualization of the game world is almost the exact opposite - a very ordered, clean, shiny environment (think cleanroom). That is, until the player shows up and firefights break out.
Quote:[...]Another thing that I think you might be missing is the swarms in Diablo. What happens when all of your enemies have ranged attacks like you?[...] |
They don't =-) The aliens had superb shields that rendered ranged weapons useless, so the arms race switched to mostly melee with a few special ranged weapons that can pierce shields. Since they were fighting melee among themselves, they stopped wearing the shield technology and instead switched to heavy anti-melee armors. Lucky for the players, humans took a different tech path and have shields that work decently against both ranged and melee attacks. Of course, the best shields were being worked on in the lab, so you'll have to salvage them if you want Real Ultimate Power =-)
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk