
Suggestions on New races

Started by May 22, 2006 08:01 AM
26 comments, last by Manic_Gamer 18 years, 8 months ago
If you want different races why not "steal" ideas from tv shows or films like Star Trek, Stargate, Starwars etc, then put them into a fantasy setting rather than a Sci-Fi one? Change the names but keep the characteristics:

E.g. Klingons - tough powerful warriors bound by a code of honor and deeply spiritual, therefore good for warrior classes and clerical ones.

Wookie - tough powerful warriors not bound by a code of honour.

Vulcans - are logical and intelligent so their class could be Mages/Wizards or clerics.

Goa'uld - Intelligent sybiotic creatures, could be of any class depending on their current host.

Ferengi - a greedy and sneaky people of relatively small stature, would make an ideal thief class.

Ewoks - A primitive people who are stealthy and skilled in survival in forest and woodland environments, would make excellent scouts.

There are hundreds of races in the shows I mentioned, all could be thrown into a fantasy setting. New names and possibly appearances could be made up for them but you could keep the major traits. Then voi'la new fantasy races.

Alternatively you could use a species generator similar to that of Master of Orion... so that each time you play you play a new species and you also play against new randomly generated species.

Wookies? I beg to differ. While they don't really have an honour system like Klingons, they do have Life Depts. Which they honour until death or completion. They could be able to sacrifice themselves to protect another member for x minutes - Web-based strategy.End of Line
"Life Depts?" Life Departments? Ah, wait, my brain is kicking in, Life Debts!

I can't say I know much about the creatures of the Star Wars universe, just what I've seen in the films. But pretty much everyone has heard of a Klingons code of honour (I think), which would make them ideal for a fantasy setting, possibly as a Knight or Paladin or even Clerics and Priests. But not many have heard about a Wookies sense of honour(I didn't). I did know that Wookies were strong and formed close friendships, but does that make it a code of honour?
Thieves have no honour (apart from with maybe each other) and everyone has heard the saying "As thick as thieves."

Anyway I'm digressing, in my humble opinion Wookies would make good fighters unshackled by the cumbersome honour system of the Klingons. Possibly even dual class Fighter/Thieves. I do like the idea of them "going berserk(?)" on the enemies for a little while though.

Klingons = Paladins/Rangers/Clerics
Wookies = Warriors/Rangers/Rogues
On a different point how about something as simple as Dogmen, Catmen, Birdmen etc? Could call them things like Homocanus sapiens, Homofelus sapiens and Homoavius sapiens.
Those races would have the obvious racial traits then, Dogmen would make excellent trakers due to their superior sense of smell, cats would make excellent rogues due to their dextrous ability (they don't call them cat burglars for nothing), and birdmen could be air wizards and be able to fly for short durations.
well being a big fan of the franchise (and yes i meant debts) wookies have a sense of honour.

To explain wookies, they have a short temper. But if anyone saves the life of a wookie, they are bound to return the favour. Even if they are enemies. (That i'm pulling from Knights of the Old Republic 2 with the evil wookie). But even if you watch the original Trilogy, Chewbacca is with Han because Han saved Chewy's life. Chewy sticks with Han for the rest of his life until he finally saves Han (well really saves one of his kids).

Wookies. well definitely warriors. They are also good mechanically. But i don't think you have engineering as a skill.

Klingons going berserk? I can't really see that. Wookies definitely would go berserk. Klingons would have more of a thing that WoW has with undead. They can shrug off all fear and sleep effects. I could be wrong but I see Klingons being relentless in a fight, not careless and raging. - Web-based strategy.End of Line
Sorry for the sarcasm and I bow to your superior knowledge of Starwars. However,
I think you'll find Klingons can be suicidally careless and raging. If you ever watched DS9, especially during the Dominion War episodes, when the Klingons declared war against the federation, they invaded DS9 and used mostly their bat-leth (swords) against humans with phasers. You're definitely right on the relentless bit though.

Would be easy to cross the 2 races to create a race that is predominantly made up of warriors with some religion thrown in as a focal point for the culture.So as to stop it tearing itself to pieces.
The more devout of the race would lean towards the religious and become holy warriors or priests and the less devout become basic warriors.
This is all I have right now for races..

I like your race ideas. They are a good reworking of the standard fantasy races and some interesting new ones.

As for more races:
Kirikith (Kirikithi: plural)
The Kirikith are an insectoid race with a limited flight capacity. Like many insects they can walk on sheer surfaces like walls and even ceilings with ease. Their filgt capability also allows them to fall from any height and not take damage as they can slow their fall. They can also use this to jump further than others by gliding after reaching the peek of their jump. Because of their need to have their wings free for flight, if they have any armour worn, they can not use their flying abilities.

Kirikith also have a tough exoskeleton that acts like armour, which makes them fairly tough, but they are generally physicaly weak. They are also exothermic which means that fire and cold based attacks do more dmage to them.

Glide: When activated this allows a Kirikithi to slow their fall to the point that they will not take damage. This also allows them to jump further, by gliding at the peak of their jump.
Wall Walk: The Kirikithi can walk on wals and ceilings like it is the floor. A big enough explosion can knock them off though.
Exoskeleton: Kirikithi don't have to buy armour as they have an exoskeleton which acts like armour. In fact using armour means that the Kirikithi can't use their Glide ability.

Armour Restriction: Kirikithi can use armour, but it is more expensive due to their very different body shape. Also using armour will stop a Kirikith from using their glide ability.
Physically weak: The Kirikithi are physically weak and have less health than normal. This is around 75% of the normal health.
Exothermic: The Kirikithi are exothermic and can not maintain their own body temperature. This means that they have a weakness to heat or cold based attacks. These generally do 125% of the stated damage to the Kirikithi.
Usualy I shy away from insect like monsters, In Morrowwind they where my least favorite do to the fact that im so in love with the lord of the rings style fantast.. But I think it would work.

How about as another bonus or Advantage, they Gain 1 or 2 New combat attack techniques.

Like from Star Ship troopers, A Certain Inpale Attack (Using there spike like legs).. (Hard to Aim, But does double Damage if pulled off right)

IM Also thinking about the Undead.. I would rather add undead if the game had NPCs like a RPG normaly would. or a non multi player FPS.. (OR even a RTS) .. Kind of like Warcraft has Fairy Folk vrs the Orcish Armys. This game would be kinda Fairy Folk Vrs, the undead. But Even in a No NPC multiplayer only game I think it would still work.

Im thinking one of there Advantages would be to regenerate wounds.. And A Disadvantage they can only group with one of the 2 or 3 undead races in the game. Meaning they cant group or form teams with the other non-undead races

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