Want to write for a text-based MMORPG?
Hello if you are interested in writing and would like to help build a text-based MMORPG you can contact me by posting here, sending a PM, sending an email(click the contact link on the front page of the site to get it), or using the game forum. http://www.azoundria.com/exploring or http://www.xpaz.net The game is named Exploring Azoundria. It already has over 600 players, and many staff. The tools writers use is called the editor and they can take advantage of items, stats, battle, variables, and even more coming. HTML knowledge is helpful but not required and you can learn the simple coding used here: http://www.azoundria.com/exploring/help.htm The goal is to keep a constant stream of updates to the game and expand it constantly. You get control over many aspects of your sections and creativity is encouraged, provided the rules of the Developer Agreement are followed: http://www.azoundria.com/exploring/devagree.htm Look forward to working with you.
What kind of writing are you looking for exactly? Quests, area descriptions, dialogue, lore, or what? Also, do you have 600 active players or 600 account registrations since the game was created?
If you want professional grade people you have to emit the aura of a professional organization.
This is the help wanted forum where things like this are posted:
make sure you tread the forum faqs, their is a set format that must be used when asking for help.
With that being said, after you go through the motions I might be interested in offering my grands amount of writing skill to an MMORPG if it sounds nice.
This is the help wanted forum where things like this are posted:
make sure you tread the forum faqs, their is a set format that must be used when asking for help.
With that being said, after you go through the motions I might be interested in offering my grands amount of writing skill to an MMORPG if it sounds nice.
That 600 players is since the games opening 6 months ago with a extrememly small world. Slowly a few sections have been added to it and the pace has really been increasing recently. Many have long log files and have explored most of the existing world, but its not big enough to give people much reason to come back. This is not because of a low quality world or anything, its just that everything can be seen and done in a few hours which is why we need more writers.
I am not looking just for professionals, but also for the casual everyday type of people that have great ideas and motivation and would really enjoy such an opportunity. I figured if I post a casual post it would attract casual people and a professional post will attract professionals.
Already posted in Help Wanted. I thought I might be missing out on people who would look here and I was looking at the other posts here it seems others are posting about opportunities like this too. What is this section for then?
I am not looking just for professionals, but also for the casual everyday type of people that have great ideas and motivation and would really enjoy such an opportunity. I figured if I post a casual post it would attract casual people and a professional post will attract professionals.
Already posted in Help Wanted. I thought I might be missing out on people who would look here and I was looking at the other posts here it seems others are posting about opportunities like this too. What is this section for then?
Quote:Well, it really does belong in Help Wanted, and you're not supposed to cross-post.
Original post by azoundria
Already posted in Help Wanted. I thought I might be missing out on people who would look here and I was looking at the other posts here it seems others are posting about opportunities like this too. What is this section for then?
Anyway, it sounds like a fun opportunity, but I don't think I would be reliable enough, time-wise. Good luck!
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Original post by azoundria
That 600 players is since the games opening 6 months ago with a extrememly small world.
I'm sorry, but that 600 number really bugs me. 600 registered accounts does not mean that you have 600 players. Having run an Ultima Online free server, I know this fact first hand. Meaningless accounts quickly pile up as people log in, scope for a few seconds, and log off. Just because they made an account does not mean that they are players.
I'm curious to know your average online numbers, because the inactivity of your forums suggests that Azoundria isn't as bustling and thriving as you would like us to believe (last post in the Member's Introduction being Jan 20 2006, other forums go back to 2005, with no forum having more than 8 posts).
/end rant
Most of the action of the forum is in the Staff Only section and it doesnt end up with much traffic as it is. Most players just post their suggestions or whatever in a chatbox, instead of bothering forum registration to post them there. Because there is not a huge storyline or world yet, players have little to dicuss. But many log files are over 100 lines long.
With text it seems people either like it or they dont. I dont get many middlemen. Log length is either really high or really low. If I had a larger world and more for players to do Im sure I could get a lot more of them. But I think I have the record for most valid emails without requiring verification.
I havent learned to do anything with dates yet in PHP, so I dont know how many are online. But I am working on it. Theres just so much to do, like only a game designer would know. From the frontend it may look like a simple game and like it took me just a few months to build but actually its been over a year of development and the backend even has its own scripting language that allows edits to be done without PHP or HTML knowledge.
I wish this was as easy as Sim City or Roller Coaster Tycoon!
With text it seems people either like it or they dont. I dont get many middlemen. Log length is either really high or really low. If I had a larger world and more for players to do Im sure I could get a lot more of them. But I think I have the record for most valid emails without requiring verification.
I havent learned to do anything with dates yet in PHP, so I dont know how many are online. But I am working on it. Theres just so much to do, like only a game designer would know. From the frontend it may look like a simple game and like it took me just a few months to build but actually its been over a year of development and the backend even has its own scripting language that allows edits to be done without PHP or HTML knowledge.
I wish this was as easy as Sim City or Roller Coaster Tycoon!
I might do it if my other job does not go through. I can write certain things for you.
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