Fantasy Version of Enemy Territory
Hi, Im wondering what people would think of a Fantasy Version of Wolfenstiens "Enemy Territory" Game. The classes would probebly be Warrior Ranger Rogue Wizard Cleric for the Human side, And the same basic line up for the monster side. With probebly 7 or so maps to play on in the wolfenstien way. What would peoples feed backs be to a game like this. Thank you [Edited by - Manic_Gamer on May 16, 2006 3:31:32 PM]
First of all, I'd be curious as to what exactly would change the gameplay. If it's just a multiplayer mode to Heretic or something, it's been done, and no one really took to it. If you can find something new to add, then, I'd like to know what you actually intend to do.
As a matter of fact, I can't see what would be the specs of each class, in terms of gameplay. I know that in BF2, for example, you can play different "classes", but what changes is only the LIMITATIONS imposed on your armament, not your options. You can still play a charging medic, a charging Sniper, or a charging antitank, no one will notice the difference, because there is none.
Maybe you can inforce a weapon per "class", but once again, it will only be cosmetics. Maybe, if you want to make things interesting, you can enforce a "no respawn" rule, so as to really see what people can do out of their characters, and try out some new strategies in trying to save their own characters from death, but I strongly believe that the novelty of the thing will run out pretty quick.
As a matter of fact, I can't see what would be the specs of each class, in terms of gameplay. I know that in BF2, for example, you can play different "classes", but what changes is only the LIMITATIONS imposed on your armament, not your options. You can still play a charging medic, a charging Sniper, or a charging antitank, no one will notice the difference, because there is none.
Maybe you can inforce a weapon per "class", but once again, it will only be cosmetics. Maybe, if you want to make things interesting, you can enforce a "no respawn" rule, so as to really see what people can do out of their characters, and try out some new strategies in trying to save their own characters from death, but I strongly believe that the novelty of the thing will run out pretty quick.
Yours faithfully, Nicolas FOURNIALS
I really must agree with Fournicolas. Fantasy FPS style games just don't do well. And just as Fournicolas said, it's down to the lack of variation between these "classes".
If you took a leaf from HL: Team Fortress Classic and went with armaments, speed, etc that would begin to help I think. Adding "special abilities", that REALLY make a difference and then adding weaknesses to compensate.
Wizards can use powerful ranged magical attacks, but start with 50% health and no kind of armour.
Warriors start with 100% health, 50% armour (barbarian style) and a sword. While wielding their sword they move at 100%, with it sheathed they move at 125% and can sprint at 150%.
Just really simple examples. But if you just start thinking of ideas like that and slowly build them up you can probably create something worthwhile. Would it be a huge hit? Make it and find out.
If you took a leaf from HL: Team Fortress Classic and went with armaments, speed, etc that would begin to help I think. Adding "special abilities", that REALLY make a difference and then adding weaknesses to compensate.
Wizards can use powerful ranged magical attacks, but start with 50% health and no kind of armour.
Warriors start with 100% health, 50% armour (barbarian style) and a sword. While wielding their sword they move at 100%, with it sheathed they move at 125% and can sprint at 150%.
Just really simple examples. But if you just start thinking of ideas like that and slowly build them up you can probably create something worthwhile. Would it be a huge hit? Make it and find out.
Thank you 2 for your post, you gave me some great input. Actualy if i spent the time to create a game, I probebly wouldnt create this game, Becouse of the fact that its to much of a copy of another game, IE Enemy Territory, so why not create something new that would work better as a fantasy game.
But I do agree, that classes should be very unique and different.
I mean any game that comes from a D&D mind will use a cleric as a light tank, heavy healer and buffer. which then sets him apart. Warriors are the tank, Rangers are the Ranged Weapon Masters as well as having tracking ability (Mayby the only class with a radar) And some light stealth. Rogues are heavy stealth light combat, Like a shadow walk that causes them invisible.. Back Stab mayby. And wizards are of course wizards.
But I think having fun with special abilities would be key to go beyond the basics. like you just said.
Such as having a Ranger who could opt for a skill that lets him see through the eyes of a animal. or a warrior who could have fun to use weapon manuvers, like spin attack.,
But I also think in FPS Fantasy Games, that all classes should have the ability to use ranged weapons as well as melee. Such as a Warrior would be truely gifted in Melee, But still have a Throwing Dager or Hand Axe to use as Ranged, Not to powerful, But still does a little damage. A Ranger or Archer would do the most in Ranged but have say a short sword or hand axe to choose from for melee. a Rogue might be equily gifted in both melee and ranged, Such as Short Sword or Short Spear for Melee, and Short Bow for Ranged. Cleric would be mostly a Healer/Buffer and moderate melee, but might lack in Ranged, Possibly a Sling but, I dont know. Mage would be melee, but with great Ranged Spells.
To go back to your point I deffinetly agree in a Fantasy FPS game the special abilities that seperate and individulize each class as well as player would be key, Suppose there where 2 warriors playing, Are they going to be exactly the same, or would there choise of skills and abilities set them apart and make them unique.. As well as finding a good and meaningful difference between each class
It would be fun to come up with all those skills and abilities,
Anyway thank you 2 for your comments theve helped, I am designing a Fantasy FPS (Different than the one previously posted), mostly for my own enjoyment rather then actualy making the game, I dont know if Im the type who could pour countless hours into making a game and leading a team to create a game, but its still fun to imagine.
But I do agree, that classes should be very unique and different.
I mean any game that comes from a D&D mind will use a cleric as a light tank, heavy healer and buffer. which then sets him apart. Warriors are the tank, Rangers are the Ranged Weapon Masters as well as having tracking ability (Mayby the only class with a radar) And some light stealth. Rogues are heavy stealth light combat, Like a shadow walk that causes them invisible.. Back Stab mayby. And wizards are of course wizards.
But I think having fun with special abilities would be key to go beyond the basics. like you just said.
Such as having a Ranger who could opt for a skill that lets him see through the eyes of a animal. or a warrior who could have fun to use weapon manuvers, like spin attack.,
But I also think in FPS Fantasy Games, that all classes should have the ability to use ranged weapons as well as melee. Such as a Warrior would be truely gifted in Melee, But still have a Throwing Dager or Hand Axe to use as Ranged, Not to powerful, But still does a little damage. A Ranger or Archer would do the most in Ranged but have say a short sword or hand axe to choose from for melee. a Rogue might be equily gifted in both melee and ranged, Such as Short Sword or Short Spear for Melee, and Short Bow for Ranged. Cleric would be mostly a Healer/Buffer and moderate melee, but might lack in Ranged, Possibly a Sling but, I dont know. Mage would be melee, but with great Ranged Spells.
To go back to your point I deffinetly agree in a Fantasy FPS game the special abilities that seperate and individulize each class as well as player would be key, Suppose there where 2 warriors playing, Are they going to be exactly the same, or would there choise of skills and abilities set them apart and make them unique.. As well as finding a good and meaningful difference between each class
It would be fun to come up with all those skills and abilities,
Anyway thank you 2 for your comments theve helped, I am designing a Fantasy FPS (Different than the one previously posted), mostly for my own enjoyment rather then actualy making the game, I dont know if Im the type who could pour countless hours into making a game and leading a team to create a game, but its still fun to imagine.
I agree, make the classes different. One way is to make sure the roles are very well defigned. The Cleric might not be the "Light Tank", but be the buffer (didn't the usually bless troop before a battle rather than get invloved themselves).
My take on the classes might be:
Fighter: Lots of HP and the ability to dish out a lot of damage.
Cleric: Not a combat class, Healer (but it takes time) and a general party buffer and decurser (antidebuffer). Troops near a Cleric will take less damage and deal more damage so they might also have a role in the front lines.
Mage: Like an artillery unit. They can deal a lot of damage, but can't take much. Also then can debuff enemies if they can get close enough. The can only shoot slowly but can move faster than the Fighter and also deal more damage on a hit.
Rogue: These are an inflitration unit. The can sneak (become invisable but must remain stationary) and can climb and do other acrobatic stuff (eg: jump off a wall several time to climb it like Jackie Chan). They have the second most health of any class (except for the fighter), but they can deal a lot of damage if they sneak attack (they must build up this attack by targeting an enemy in their sights for a time), but otherwise only do small amounts of damage.
Mages and Clerics should have about the same health as eachother which would be about half the health of the Fighter (Rogues would have about 75% of the health of a Fighter).
A Fighter should be able to take out a Rogue. A Rogue would be able to take out a Cleric or Mage and a Mage should be able to take out a Fighter. This will create a dynamic balance between the classes so that all are nessesary. The Cleric seems the weakes, until you realise that they can be the class that turns a battle as the can prop up all the other calsses with their buffs and heals.
This will make each clas different in how you play them and give distinct roles that each could have in the game.
My take on the classes might be:
Fighter: Lots of HP and the ability to dish out a lot of damage.
Cleric: Not a combat class, Healer (but it takes time) and a general party buffer and decurser (antidebuffer). Troops near a Cleric will take less damage and deal more damage so they might also have a role in the front lines.
Mage: Like an artillery unit. They can deal a lot of damage, but can't take much. Also then can debuff enemies if they can get close enough. The can only shoot slowly but can move faster than the Fighter and also deal more damage on a hit.
Rogue: These are an inflitration unit. The can sneak (become invisable but must remain stationary) and can climb and do other acrobatic stuff (eg: jump off a wall several time to climb it like Jackie Chan). They have the second most health of any class (except for the fighter), but they can deal a lot of damage if they sneak attack (they must build up this attack by targeting an enemy in their sights for a time), but otherwise only do small amounts of damage.
Mages and Clerics should have about the same health as eachother which would be about half the health of the Fighter (Rogues would have about 75% of the health of a Fighter).
A Fighter should be able to take out a Rogue. A Rogue would be able to take out a Cleric or Mage and a Mage should be able to take out a Fighter. This will create a dynamic balance between the classes so that all are nessesary. The Cleric seems the weakes, until you realise that they can be the class that turns a battle as the can prop up all the other calsses with their buffs and heals.
This will make each clas different in how you play them and give distinct roles that each could have in the game.
I definetly agree with you about your post, About the sudjestions about all the classes and such, it would be nice to have a tougher rogue class,
The only thing I would have to argue about is the cleric, being a light melee class but mostly used for healing, im just thinking about it through the clerics stand point. wouldnt they want to have fun to, the most exciting part would be to combat. Healing and stuff would be funner as a side objective, rather than main.
But I do see your point, they would still fight, but just as good, Just they would be more focued on healing and buffing others than taking down enemies.
But i do love the part about having a cleric with a Aura that would buff up people fighting next to him.
The only thing I would have to argue about is the cleric, being a light melee class but mostly used for healing, im just thinking about it through the clerics stand point. wouldnt they want to have fun to, the most exciting part would be to combat. Healing and stuff would be funner as a side objective, rather than main.
But I do see your point, they would still fight, but just as good, Just they would be more focued on healing and buffing others than taking down enemies.
But i do love the part about having a cleric with a Aura that would buff up people fighting next to him.
Ok to improve the activities of the cleric, you could move the debuffing from the Mage to the Cleric. This way they have more use in the front lines if you have debuffing as close range only.
Traditionally Priests/Clerics were not fighters, many of them had taken vows against shedding blood and fighting. So a Cleric as a melee class is just jumping on the D&D bandwagon and not being creative with the classes. If you are trying to replicate D&D as a FPS then haivng a Cleric as amelee class would be ok, but if you are not trying to replicate D&D then it is OK to do something different.
If the Clerics ability to enhance the melee effectiveness of other players, then you could have this stack (with diminishing returns) so that a bunch of clerics (say around 3) might then be individually as good as a Rogue (with 6 being the equivalent of a Fighter), however as they are killed, their enhancements will drop. This could make for some interesting gameplay as you could use a few Clerics and Fighters as a core unit and all the other players suport this unit.
Traditionally Priests/Clerics were not fighters, many of them had taken vows against shedding blood and fighting. So a Cleric as a melee class is just jumping on the D&D bandwagon and not being creative with the classes. If you are trying to replicate D&D as a FPS then haivng a Cleric as amelee class would be ok, but if you are not trying to replicate D&D then it is OK to do something different.
If the Clerics ability to enhance the melee effectiveness of other players, then you could have this stack (with diminishing returns) so that a bunch of clerics (say around 3) might then be individually as good as a Rogue (with 6 being the equivalent of a Fighter), however as they are killed, their enhancements will drop. This could make for some interesting gameplay as you could use a few Clerics and Fighters as a core unit and all the other players suport this unit.
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