
PHP RPG (pre-alpha test)

Started by May 16, 2006 12:57 AM
3 comments, last by Edtharan 18 years, 9 months ago
Yo whats up people! Here is an updated version of the PHP RPG I showed a long time ago. You can try it out here: ('Village' is a temporary name for the project.) There's still a lot of other stuff to add, but I wanted to show this for comments and advice. Some stuff I am in the process of adding (very briefly): - public bulletins (eg, a wall you can "spraypaint" messages on) - wear clothes (for combat, and other special properties) - strip-teasing skill (to make money; success will depend on a number of factors you can play around with) - players market (trade items with other peeps) - long-distance travel (will use up all Action Energy for the day) - player vs. player combat (close to being done) - hidden-item-searching skill - pick-pocketing skill - magic abilities - weapons (combat functions) - NPC's (squirrels, cats, zombies, etc) that go from place to place What do you like? What do you not like? Ideas? Comments? Again, you can try it here: [Edited by - crimson fury on May 16, 2006 1:24:59 AM]
I just had a brainwave for more cool game ideas !!

Depending on your "cult" character preference (there will be game cults/religions to choose), after the character dies there will be a different afterlife depending on their characters beliefs.

For example, if the character worhsips the dark god Zornuul, then he will return the character to the "living world" as an "undead" that must get souls of the living in order to fully regain normal life.

Or, if the character worships the light god Kolziek, then he will return the character to the "living world" as a "shadow being" that must guide a player to make good decisions and protect him from evil forces. This shadow being gives his assigned player special powers, like sixth-sense (being able to see and interact with a world that is invisible to normal people).

Eventually, devout followers in cults can rise in rank and have more powers, and eventually become gods themselves.

Another idea: game jobs that pay characters. They get wierd and entertaining jobs from the unemployment center. Like, one might be "jizzmopper", and he gets private messages from his "manager" to places he has to go and clean up messes. Another job is "kgb agent", and he gets random assignments from his "boss", like "pick up this item, bring it to...", or "kill this guy", or "spy on this guy", "put a bomb there...", etc. And there's also jobs like "magic mushroom dealer", "politician" (run parts of the game world), and "PROGRAMMER"!!! =)

And another idea: In addition to everything you normally do in an RPG, you also have to maintain your character's diet.

You have to buy and regularily (like once a week) eat (made-up) foods (like, "Ploppers", "Froons", "Tixums", etc) to maintain a balanced nutrition.

And each food will have a certain amount of (made-up) nutrients (like, "Vitamin Z", "Nutrient R", etc).

If you don't maintain a balanced diet (not enough of a certain nutrient), then you will find your character has malnutrition side-effects, and this will have effects on gameplay that the player discovers. But eventually malnutrition leads to character's death of course.

E.g., some malnutrition side-effects might include:

- the character becomes delirious and hallucinates, causes wierd but entertaining things to happen to otherwise normal game things (like, you'll start seeing giant elephants everywhere you go, that you can fight and interact with, but really have no effect)
- the character starts vomitting and has uncontrollable diahrea, causing "respect" to drop and automatically leave "messes" wherever he goes
- etc....

Oh, and this is all COPYRIGHT (C) by Me 2005-2006, so don't steal my ideas.
Ah yes, the birth of a new RPG.

I'm a lvl 2, have some boots, a hat, and an AK-47. Oh yes, and I'm lvl 3 SquirrelCrafting.
SquirrelCrafting! That makes me laugh!

The Good/Evil Gods concept sounds good, but It might take some balancing of the duties to be preformed by "ghosts" trying to return to this world. For instance, what if you are a zombie, and in your attempts to regain life, you are hewn down by the AK-47 of another player? What if the world fills with deceased zombie players, trying to get back, and the living ones dont stand a chance? What if too many people pick the same God? What everyone's a zombie, will no one be able to get back?

Anyways, funny concept, and I can't wait till you add more areas and abilities.
I finally killed the killer cat!
very fun game [smile]
I liked the style very much.

things to improve:
- well bigger world, duh
- player should affect battle outcome, like decide what to do each round, or at least to decide if to keep attacking or flee (and fleeing may fail)
- maybe click on the pictures for hidden stuff? ie. clicking on the table in the room will reveal more coins
- when upgrading the player stats the gui is annoying, upgrading luck health armor and strength makes you type and click 4 times. How about making just one "update" button so I can type all the upgrades and click the button once?

looks promising, keep it up!
I like the humor in it. Quite good.

If you want a combat system, I designed one for a PnP RPG (because I was bord one day :D) which is quite simple.

In it you had 4 stats:
Body, Health, Reflex and Mind

Each could be numberd from 1 to 5. If a stat was at level 1 then a 4 sided die was rolled (random number from 1 to 4), if the stat was at 2 then a 6 sided die was rolled (random number from 1 to 6), if the stat was at 3 then an 8 sided die was rolled (random number from 1 to 8), if the stat was at 4 then a 10 sided di was rolled (random number from 1 to 10), if the stat was at 5 then a 12 sided die was rolled (random number from 1 to 12).

The player could also have skills which simply added to the roll of the die. The skills didn't have any real limits (but was usually from 0 to 10). A level of 0 was considdered untrained in the skill.

So if a character had "SquirrelCrafting" 4 and a reflex stat of 3 then you would roll an 8 sided die and add 4 to the result giving you a value from 5 to 12.

This would be compared to either a set number or to an opposed roll (they would have a stat level and a skill bonus). The higher number (or in the case of a tie, the acting character) would win.

For experence, Stats cost twice as manny XP as Skills to increase.

This would give a simple system that you could use (or modify) if you like.

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