
C++ Workshop - Introduction

Started by May 14, 2006 01:11 PM
261 comments, last by Melvin18 15 years, 8 months ago
Original post by Silicon Spark
Original post by superpig
Original post by programwizard
there will be some students using Linux/other non-Windows systems.

I thought the whole appeal of Linux was figuring everything out yourself? [grin]

lol, partly, linux users might just want an os that doesnt crash ever 1/2 hour. lol

My XP dev. machine is going for 12 days now without a crash. YOu should try XP you may just like it:)

There are quite a few experienced devs who now consider XP to be atleast as stable if not more so than many linux desktop distro's.

Original post by Fruny
On one hand, it's easier if we only have to deal with one set of compiler/linker error messages, on the other hand, using multiple compilers might actually help us teach people to read and understand those same messages better.

Precisely. Linker and error messages aren't vastly different between the major IDE's and compilers, and it might be a good exercise to have students reason through their error messages rather than them just dumping them into the forum and waiting for a quick fix.

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Thank you all for your input regarding the compiler/IDE. It definately gave me some things to think about.

I would like to encourage people to download/use Visual Studio Express Edition as their IDE. This is especially true of people who have no previous experience with IDE's. With that being said, people are free to use whichever IDE they feel most comfortable with. If they are currently familiar and have strong preference for another IDE, more power to them. [smile]

Jeromy Walsh
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"The question is not how far, the question is do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as is needed?" - Il Duche, Boondock Saints
One way to solve the IDE issue is to handle it the way nehe did with the opengl tutorials.

One person could lead with windows and another could lead a port of the tutorial to devC++ and another could take ownership of the XCode project, and another could use make files and gcc.


Original post by chollida1
One way to solve the IDE issue is to handle it the way nehe did with the opengl tutorials.

I do not expect that full solutions to the book's exercises will be posted, much less as platform-specific projects. If they are, I may have to exercise my "do not answer homework questions" moderator veto.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
i have all ready started lernig

what a ide ? is it a complier
Original post by londonman
what a ide ? is it a complier

IDE = Integrated Development Environment.

At it's most basic, a text editor which lets you pass your code to a compiler.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
superpig- forgot gamedev already had a channel. heheh

As far as compilers go, I have Dev and VC++EE. I like them both, though the fact that VC was made by a pro team with more resources and getting paid shows. However, Dev is a good compiler, supports *most* of the standard (g++ doesn't have the export keyword) and it is, I think, simpler. I would be a lot less intimidated by Dev if I were a beginner. You can compile standalone cpp files without prokects or solutions or any of that other claptrap.

I don't think that the choice of compiler will be a massive issue as long as they are standards compliant. As previously mentioned, errors are fairly similar across IDEs. I had some questions about the environment itself when I first used VC, but that was all. I'm glad that we've agreed to be open to this and am sure that we can clear up any IDE confusions in the forum itself.

Maybe, as suggested by programwizard, this could be covered in an introductory thread. I'd be willing to write a "getting started" instructions for Dev and VC++
______________________________Stranger things have happened...The Following Sentence is True. The Above Sentence is False.
Original post by Fruny
Original post by chollida1
One way to solve the IDE issue is to handle it the way nehe did with the opengl tutorials.

I do not expect that full solutions to the book's exercises will be posted, much less as platform-specific projects. If they are, I may have to exercise my "do not answer homework questions" moderator veto.

Perhaps I had a misunderstanding then.:) I thought the issue was that the teachers were going to prepare tutorials that the students would follow along with, ie how to setup a hello world project. I didn't know there would be quizes and homework:)

I was picturing a more nehe approach to this, ie build up a knowledge base by doing progressively more challenging tasks.

What's an IDE?

As what Fruny said, it's an environment. It's designed to make the programmer's job easier by providing an environment that is simply more efficient.

Some things that IDE's will do are have a GUI, graphical user interface. So, instead of typing parameters into a command line compiler, you can click options that tells the compiler how to compile the code.

Many also have file management, allowing you to quickly open a file.

(On the left side, you see a list of files.)

And just about every one of them has syntax highlighting, or it color codes C++ keywords so the code is more readable.

There are many other features: keyword completion, intelli-sense, function prototype "reminders," keyboard shortcuts, multi-compiler support, etc...

If you don't understand this, you will get a much better understand once the course starts.


Personally, I'd just go with Dev C++, but since we have people willing to explain both, I'd go that direction.

Mainly, it's just that this:

Looks easier than this:
We should do this the Microsoft way: "WAHOOOO!!! IT COMPILES! SHIP IT!"

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