Original post by hplus0603
If you really worry about getting sued, ask a real lawyer whom you've hired with real money, or don't do whatever it is you worry about.
That's so true, but i dont think any of us said that we were LAWYERS, i dont see any "that's the truth, i'm a lawyer" post. And even then, the lawyer isnt the law, the judge "is" the law. If you reveived false or erreneous advices from a lawyer and get sued. Your only option is to sue your lawyer.
We're debatting laws application. I think asking legal advice on the net can make you save money, since they are charging like 100$/h to get a boring "No, you can't do it" type of answer. And, we are providing valid reference and we (at least me) received a basic formation on IT laws application at university.
My 2 cents,