It seems that the bytecode is not properly attributed for this function for some reason. The code breaks on line 1031, which is "switch( *(asBYTE*)l_bc )", right? What is the value of l_bc at this moment? Is it null (shouldn't be)?
Could you compile the library with AS_DEBUG flag defined, and then show me the output file __@init.txt that should be generated in the folder AS_DEBUG (under the working directory). This ought to show the bytecode for the function that was compiled. It will probably look something like this:
Temps: 0 0 * RET 0
At least if you're compiling the script "float i;".
Another thing. Would it be possible for you to try the test_feature project, compiled with the flag AS_MAX_PORTABILITY? That should run a few tests that works on my machine and hopefully on yours as well.