
Just for kicks and giggles...(mp3 download ambient-ish)

Started by March 27, 2006 11:34 PM
3 comments, last by Arglebargle 18 years, 11 months ago
I wrote this song a looong time ago, but I was just listening and realized I thought it was a somewhat strong track for my skill level at the time it was written. What do you all think? Any kind of criticism is welcome.
________________________Quote: OluseyiI knew of a "Christian" couple in Nigeria who named their child "God's End-time Battle Axe." I kid you not.
I'm no music-ologist but I found it creepy enough that I started up the soundtrack from Kirby's Adventure immediately after a short listen. Don't know if that's what you were looking for or not and I don't have much comment on the music, though, so I guess I'm not much help.
It only takes one mistake to wake up dead the next morning.
Hey, just gave this a listen. Very nice! What surprised me was how thematic it felt. The piece kind of alluded to a bigger story or at least larger canon. You can definitely expand on this with some careful planning.

Thanks so much for sharing!

That is some VERY awesome funky stuff. Very jazz like and atmospheric. To be honest, I am not sure how to classify a piece like this. I definitely wish there was more of this kind of music around. Musical exploration is a beautiful thing and it was truly a pleasure to listen to the piece. :)

The overall feel is definitely new age/old school/electronic/funk/jazz. I haven't heard anything like it yet. I love it.
Have you played the game Phantom Dust for Xbox? The soundtrack is amazing and reminds me very much of what you are trying to do musically. If you haven't checked it out yet, you might want to, its got some awesome musical ideas that you would probaby sympathize with and its fusion at its best.

The intro is actually feels middle-eastern and totally gets me into the mood with the atmospheric vibes, then the voices come in right before the main melody...which is perfectly timed. I like how funky it starts out. I really like your development, every 4 or so bars you introduce a new musical idea, whether sound fx, percussion or re-instatement, which keeps the idea going very nicely. The mixing is very good through headphones...I love the low brassy sound that starts around 1:38.

The piece helps me to envision a wasteland of some kind. I see broken buildings and firey pits of doom flickering from skyscraper windows in the distance. I hear gunfire, followed by a speeding vehicle...I believe this musice would work amazingly well in a RPG video game with a very dark and mature storyline.

To be honest, to say that I like this song is perhaps a bit underappreciative. This song has pumped me up man. Congrats on a piece well done!

I should very much like to hear more.

Indeed, this is some really interesting stuff. My fav section is at 2:19 when you kick up the energy... awesome!

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