Original post by Sneftel
Yeah. I know what you mean. I hated GTA and Halo 2 and FarCry and World of Warcraft and Deus Ex and Max Payne and Half-Life 2 and God of War and Psychonauts and Call of Duty and Zelda and Ninja Gaiden and Prince of Persia and Kingdom Hearts and Mario Kart and Metal Gear Solid and Metroid Prime and Quake. 'Tiddly' is where it's at.
you did not get my point.... those games are all good games... but they were not planned by one 17 year old dude that hangs on in this game design forum ;)
persons comming in here asking for a comment or recommendation on games that claims to mix 4 of those games in one while redefining the genre sounds silly and is just plain " mental masturbation " . Is or her plan will never leave the plan stage. Nothing else but talk talk talk and hypothetical blah blah blah
my comment / recommendation was that they start doing realistic plans at first than move on to more and more complex game designs.
in other words... learn how to make models before talking about re-inventing engineering ;)