Please Help Choose One: Finalists
Ok after the question posted in... I have chosen "Monkey Busyness" (MB) and "Defend the Base" (DtB) as the final two games to review as the project for this year, thank you all for the input. I will explain each of the games again but i will elaborate on them further. If you are new to this poll please look over the two games and choose the ONE that you like the most, then give any and all comments about one or both that might better my project. After i get some feedback i will respond and eventualy choose one as my project for this year. Note: if any of you are interested in contribution please send me a PM (Private Message) thanks. Like the previous post i had a few differant ways of playing each of the FOUR games, this post will be no differant. If there are any Numbered items in the designs please note them as YAY or NAY concepts. "MONKEY BUSYNESS" (MB) GENRE: Is a 2D Bean style game with a Fixed Side view. The game has been designed around the Single Player experiance but a Multi-Player option is debatable and will be described further. CONCEPT: A Monkey finds himself in a Warhouse full of an assortment of Containers, each varying in shap, color and design. With his great strength he is able to Push, Pull and Lift the Conatainers to his will. MECHANICS(Movement): As the Monkey you are able to move in any direction, except through the Containers and beyond the border of the Warehouse (Playstage). He is also able to Jump a bit so he can clear gaps or reach a ledge. Which means you can travel over the Containers and across the floor of the Warehouse, you are also able to climb any of the Containers if they are in your way... Mechanics(M1): You are also able to climb the back wall. This means there is no limit to where you can go on the stage unless a Containers is in the way. Mechanics(M2): You can travel over flat surfaces and climb any of the containers, however some areas of the back wall are scalable so gaining access to them can be very helpfull. Mechanics(M3): Under no case can you climb anything other than the Containers and walk across the floor and Containers. MECHANICS(Actions): Using your strength you are able to Push, Pull and Lift the Containers. Use this to your benefit to stack the Containers to your advantage. The weight of the containers and the size make the differance between the ability to Lift, Push or Pull them. The weight scale goes from 10lb to 180lb depending on if the Container is made of Cardboard, Wood or Metal and if the size of the Container is 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x2, 2x3 or 3x3. Stacking of the Containers will effect the weight of the Container below. There is a range of weights that the Monkey can Lift, others that he can Push and Pull, and some that he just cannot Move. Mechanics (A1): If the Monkey is able to Lift something that may not mean he can carry it Up other Containers (or up the Back Wall). This will depend on the Weight of the object. MECHANICS(Physics): Do to the material the containers are made of some will be crushed under the wieght of other boxes so stacking must be done with caution. This is once again bassed off the weight of the individual boxes and how much is above them. Mechanics(P1): The Containers will crush Instantly after the Maxium Load is applied to the top of them. Mechanics(P2): Just as (P1) implies but when the Monkey jumps on top of the top most Container of the pile his weight will also be added for an instant Crush. Mechanics(P3): The Containers will ONLY be Crushed if the right amount of weight is added AND the Monkey Jumps on top of it. Mechanics(P4): Just as in (P3) but as the Containers fall weight will be increased with the possibility of a chain reaction of Crushings. MECHANICS(Buffs): Some secial containers will have items in them that the Monkey can consume to gain temporary Powers. Mechanics(B1): Improved Strength, gives the Monkey the ability to Push, Pull and Lift more weight for a short duration of time. Mechanics(B2): Improved Jump, does not increase the hight of his jump but rather the impact when he lands. GOAL(Destruction): Using the Containers the Monkey must try and destroy every last one. To do so he must properly stack them so they crush one another until none are left. Goal(D1): Act quick because more Containers will be dropped in from above. If you are not careful you could run out of room or even be crushed. Goal(D2): You only have the Containers that are given to you so you must Destroy them intelegantly or you will be stuck with boxes you could not crush on your own. GOAL(Organization): You must order the Boxes into special formations bassed off of... Goal(O1): ...Color, and once they are all together they will be removed from the stage. There will be Five possible Formations displayed on the side, that you must complete before another will be available, finnishing one will bring another random Formation Card into display. Act quick because more Containers will be dropped in from above. If you are not careful you could run out of room or even be crushed. Goal(O2): ...Design, to please the Monkey find like Containers and place them to gether to complete a Picture or some Design so that the the Monkey stays happy. Once the Formation is complete they will collapse and the Monkey will forget all about it. The succes of each level will be bassed off the level of Happiness the Monkey has. The less room the Monkey has to play the less Happy he will be, but with every complete formation and destruction of the Containers comes Happiness. Act quick because more Containers will be dropped in from above. If you are not careful you could run out of room or even be crushed. GOAL(Climb): At the top of the Stage there is a Banana that the Monkey really wants, with the Containers that you have you must reach that Banana. Be aware that the weight of the Containers will cause them to Crush so stack with care. Goal(C1): You are limited to the Containers in that Room so if you lose to many Containers you cannot get the Banana and so you lose. Goal(C2): The Moneky can only handle so much so watch as the Rage meter changes as time goes by without the Banana. More Containers will drop in from the top but act quick because more Containers will be dropped in from above. If you are not careful you could run out of room or even be crushed. "DEFEND THE BASE" (DtB) GENRE: a 2D Space Invader style game with a Fixed Top Down view of the stage. This was influanced by the popular "Defend the Castle" game. CONCEPT: You are an Orbital Strike Ship overlooking the safetly of Bases planetside. With long range optics and weaponry you are able to see the bases far on the surface. Doing this you observe swarms of insectoid creatures advancing on the Base, using a high powered cannon you must attack from orbit to Defend the Base. MECHANICS(Cannon): You have a single Main Cannon onboard your Ship wich will fire a single round with a short delay. Time your fire right so you dont under or over shoot your target. After fireing the Main Cannon there will be an even longers Cooldown until you can fine it again. Mechanics(C1): Your Main Cannon will have 2 Active Rounds that can be fired one after the other, but each will have a delay and a cooldown. Each shot has a 1sec delay and a 5sec Cooldown. This means after fireing both consecutivly you will have to wait 5sec before you can fire another and 10sec to fire both. You can upgrade this to reduce the cooldown to the point where there is no cool down, but the delay will remain. Mechanics(C2): Along with the Main Cannon you can eventualy perchanse better weapons. The first is a Scatter Shot, with a 3sec delay and a 15sec Cooldown that will hit 5 random spots in the targeted area. This can also be upgraded for a shorter Cooldown and more impacts. The second is a Heavy Shot, with a 2sec Delay and a 20sec Cooldown that will Damage all Enemies in the targeted area. This can be upgraded for a shorter Cooldown and a larger target area. The third is a Deep Shot, with an instant hit but a 25sec Cooldown this does massive Damage to its target. This can also be upgraded for a reduced Cooldown and more Damage. The last is a Sweeping Shot, with an inisal delay of 1sec and a cooldown of 30sec that will do a sweep of Damage in a line as you draw it. You can upgrade the weapon to have a reduced Cooldown and an Increased Delay for a larger sweep. MECHANICS(Base): the Base is in the center of the screen and must be protected at all costs. The Base has 4 Walls each with a Armor Level, the Base also has areas for Soldiers to fire from and a few Weapon platforms to be placed on. Mechanics(B1): Each Wall can be Repaired between Waves (levels). They can also have thier total Armor increased with upgrades, and have some minor Damaging Effects on anything attacking them. Mechanics(B2): Between Waves you can recruit Soldiers to stand and fight over the top of the Base. There are Three differant types, Basic Heavy and Snipers. The Basic will fire multiple rounds with a machine gun where the Heavy will fire large area shots slower and the Snipers will fire single high Damage shots very slowly. You can have no more than 4 Soldiers on each wall, and be careful they could be the victoms of an attack. Mechanics(B3): Each Base will have a differant ability that can be utilized during each wave. Some will generate more points where others can create more Soldiers. MECHANICS(Special): Some times during the game you will come across special bases or special units that apear... Mechanics(S1): Every now and then a Lone Soldier will be fleeing to the safety of the base. Most enemies will turn their attention to them to try and kill them, if you can protect them until they reach the base they will give you a bonus. The Bonuses include Points, Additional Soldiers, Air Strikes (See (S2)) ETC. Mechanics(S2): After saveing Lone Soldiers or perchasing them, you can activate Air Strikes. One type will do massive Damage in a large target area, others will drop Napalm and another will wipe out every enemy unit on the screan. GOAL: The general idea is to Defend the Base for as long as you but but there are some other ideas that might make it more interesting. Goal(Survival): You have one Base and after every Wave you Buy and Repair and go again geting harder and harder. Goal(Accumulation): You see a Map of the world and at first there is only one Base in distress. But after defedning it you will see two Bases, the second will most likely be in Distress. More and more basses will be added on and each will allow you to improve your defence better as long as they are still operational. Each Base on the Map Screen will have a Threat level, if its Green then the Base is fine and you may or may not need to defend it. But the longer a base goes untended to the higher the threat level, this will increase the difficulty once you finnaly decide to defend it. If the Base is left alone for to long on a Critical Threat level it and its Bonuses will be lost and you will need to gain it back some way. Goal(A1): There could be multiple Scinarios for the Bases such as a Timed one where you win after a small duration of time, or you win after a fixed amount of Enemies have made thier assault. If you have lost a Base or are able to take a new location you will be able to do the Construction Scinario that will give you just a small work area in the center that if properly defended will become a New Base, but it has little to NO armor so there is little to NO room for mistakes. MECHANICS and GOAL(Quick Thought): The Cannon Mechanics are the Same and the Accumulation Goal is the idea, but some missions are not just Defence of the Base but you might need to aid in the Advancement of Troops to take a new location for a Base. Or to escort somthing from location A to location B using your weapons. Ooo Ahh!!! "CONCLUSION" (C) GENRE: The end of a duration of time or conversation. CONCEPT: If you read all that give yourself a HUGE pat on the back. Cant wait to hear the input and votes, thanks again for all the help. [Edited by - Dasubermechen on March 15, 2006 6:03:20 PM]
I know its a long post, but grab a soda and a bucket of popcorn and read it, i would love the input.
Please and Thank You
Please and Thank You
I don't think DtB-style games are really going to allow you much depth - I find the puzzler concept of MB more interesting myself. Specifically, I like the climbing goal the best, though Destruction sounds like it could also be pretty cool. Could be a little difficult to makes levels though. :)
It only takes one mistake to wake up dead the next morning.
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