
Number of Voices per Unit

Started by March 06, 2006 06:44 PM
3 comments, last by lightblade 18 years, 11 months ago
Hey everyone! I'm currently working on a Space Turn-Based Strategy Game, and I was hoping you guys could give me some insight on something. How many different voice responses do you expect a Turn-Based Strategy Game to have per unit? I'm talking stuff like "Moving Out", "Coordinates Recieved", "Launching Fighters", etc. If anyone's interested in the project, you guys can check out my journal .
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
Three or four should be enough. Dark Reign has two for most units, which gets a bit repetitive; Starcraft I think had only two 'first hit' voices (i.e. the first time you tell a particular unit to do something in a particular selection episode), but its amusing clips when you keep clicking the same guy (7 or 8 per class) made it fine.
Someone I'm speaking to now who is inquiring about producing dialogue for an RTS said they wanted about 9 unique phrases for the 20 or so different units. I think that breaks down to 3 or 4 different commands but with 2 or three varying responses apiece.

It'd be a lot of work, but it's definitely a cool thing to have your characters say so much stuff in my opinion for both RTS and turn-based. I mean, how many times did you click on your guys the first time you played Warcraft? Wasn't that fun? (and wasn't it slightly disappointing playing Starcraft and not finding as much voices as Warcraft?)

Good luck with your decision!

Anthem Audio
"Join the army, they said"
"See the world, they said"
"Stop touching me!"

Hehe. I love(d) Warcraft :).

But those 'multi-click' clips, while cool, aren't quite the same as what I took the original question to mean. They are very cool though so you should do that if you have time :).

BTW I meant 2 or 3 clips per action per unit class; I don't think that was very clear!
Space turn based...I'm thinking Alpha Centuri
All my posts are based on a setting of Medival Fantasy, unless stated in the post otherwise

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