

Started by February 28, 2006 06:06 PM
9 comments, last by rHornbek 18 years, 11 months ago
I have been toying with the idea of a very small MMOG (Massive Multi-player Online Game). One that is not as Massive in magnitude, but retains a large player count and content. To really Dumb down the concept, say its "Tag MMOG." When you log on with your first character you choose from three classes Hider, Runner and Trickster. There will be one other person on the server who has the title "IT" and there job is to tag the next person to lose the title. Hiders are great at hideing from IT and as IT can ambush others rather well. Runners are fast and are quick to get away from IT but as IT they can catch others quickly. Tricksters are crafty and can pretend to not be IT to sneak up on you or when escaping IT can dodge the ITs TAG attack (HAHA that made me laugh). When your IT you will be losing Points and so you must TAG another player as soon as possible, as anyone else your trying to collect Points by finding little coins and trinkets to sell for more points. With points you can perchase items to help you escape IT and as IT help capture non-IT people. Very simple concept but is still a Massive Multi-player Online Game. Now say the game had a low monthly rate, that would prolly get the curious to play this rediculas but only for a little wile due to lack of content. But its such a simple game, adding content would be a snap and even more rewarding. So, "Tag MMOG" version 1.5 comes out and the new content is the following. WORLD: Foot Prints - now when walking over certian terrain it will leave foot prints temporaraly. Rustle - All plans will rustle as you pass through or closly by them, all plants that character are hidding in will randomly rustle wile hidden in the plant. ITEMS: Sticky Sap - players can poor this on the ground to slow other players who run through it, great for slowing IT or IT's prey. Suger Stick - gives the player a rush of energy and can run at 25% increased speed. ABILITIES: Throw Stone - Tricksters can now throw rocks at plants or other objects to make them rustle, giveing the illusion of somone inside. Clib Tree - Hiders can now climb trees, but it takes a few seconds to get into the safety of the foliage. IT however can officaly call you IT from the bottom of the tree. Long Jump - gives the runner a long jump, so they can clear small streams or cracks that would otherwise slow or stop them. EVENT: Winter Games - its winter now and the land is covered in snow, find snow balls on the ground and use them to slow enemies. But be carful, your foot prints will be all over the place. Whenever new content comes out for games i have played i am always excited and it usualy makes it feel new at times. So i end with this... With a not so MMOG, would content updates and fixes be more rewarding for the players and easier for developers? And are there any games along thos lines of simple but MMOG? P.S. I just came up with that "Tag MMOG" idea for this post, should i run with it?
I have to say I like the idea, but I doubt I would pay for it.. Also, how big world are you planning on? And how many users? I mean if you have like a wow sized map and 10 players, there would be like 1 or 2 people that would ever see 'it'..
I think content updates and fixes are good for any games. I think the "Tag MMOG" sounds like a really cool game I myself would play if it came out and it had a cool network play mode (or if it was playable online with only dial-up). If it was 3D it would be all the more cooler; I could totally imagine that being a real game (in my head I thought of it being a round style game (think Unreal Tournament or versus for Tony Hawk) with cool levels to hide or seek in).
Although I'm not that big on the MMOG scene, I think the raw concept behind the idea is pretty good, and has a lot of potential.

However, you'll need to include enough content to get people to want to play. I'd include as many wild and wacky rule variants as is feasible. I remember playing zillions of different versions of tag when I was a boy, most of which we'd invent ourselves, so I'd go more for different rules than heaps of "power-ups". But that might just be me [smile].

You also have the weakness that the game depends heavily on one player; the one who is "IT'. If the person who is "IT" decides to be a jerk and not participate, then the whole game is ruined. You might have to deal with that.
Since its not a MMOG why not just call it a G :-p So why not just Tag Online? If its not Massive why call it that?
Good luck!
this sounds like a great game, but I wouldn't want the map to be larger than something needing 5 minutes to run corner to corner.

Also, wouldn't want too many players in one game, and I wouldn't pay a montly fee for it, sounds like a great game for a lan party or with less than 20 friends.
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Haha thanks guys for the replies, but i must point out this post is NOT about "Tag MMO", this is simply an example of a NOT SO MASSIVE Multi-player Online Game.

The questions are...

Would a simple game, such as "Tag MMO", spark interests in people living in the complexities of games like World of Warcraft?

Would a simple game, such as "Tag MMO", make it easier for Developers to create content and fix bugs. Wile at the same time giveing the players a fresh feel more often?

And are there any games that are MMOs that are this simple, something fun and chalenging but easy for you to jump in and out of?

Thanks again, and who knows you could be playing "Tag MMO" with thoes kinds of responses, look for the beta this summer (kidding).
Although TAg MMO probably wouldn't spark interest in WoW player base, it would probably draft the Worms' players...
I know that I, for one, would probably want to play it.
I think it would probably be better played in "instances", à la Diablo. You choose a game rangeing from 8 to 64 players, with anywhere from 1 to 8 IT, and produce a survival mode to cover the bases, and you're in for some success...
Yours faithfully, Nicolas FOURNIALS
I think the MMO platform could really benefit from some titles that offer simpler, more focused gameplay. As has been mentioned, the problem with this is the cost. The client/server model MMO's require to run means monthly bills for the developer. This, consequently, translates to monthly bills for the players. Thus the natural tendency is for the developer to pack as much content in the online world as possible to make the monthly fee worth paying for. It's a shame, because there's so many game possibilities available when you're able to have hundreds or thousands of players sharing the same game space -- many of which don't involve elves, orcs, or level 60 paladins.

Most people would probably not consider virtual tag worth paying a monthly fee for. You'd either have to come up with another pricing strategy (hard to do without messing with game balance) or add additional layers of complexity and content. One solution to the client/server limitations I've mused about is a peer-to-peer server model, but I don't expect this to be realistic for quite some time.
Hmm interesting point about the server cost to plays interests.

This does help me a bit with the REAL idea ("Tag MMO" is still just an example). So i think ill revaluate the idea and post it on this forum later.


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