Original post by Taharez
I would really recommend you take a mathematical modelling course, I'm just in the process of finishing mine, and it's been pretty awesome for a math course. It's basically about how to model all sorts of real-world problems in mathematics, how to evaluate the models and algorithms you come up with, and how to get a problem solving 'mind set'. It should give you (back) an interest for math, as you'll learn what all the previous courses where really about, and how to apply skills they taught to real problems (very nice to have when doing game programming). Some other courses that are great for this are image processing/analysis, automata and formal languages, and compression, if you're interested in those kinds of things (some not so relevant for game programming though). Anyway, just wanted to say that you can in fact have interesting math courses, and this is coming from someone who also generally hated math in school :)
Good luck!
About the mathematics modelling course, is it a course about groups rings and models theory? or is it something more like applied math?
While I agree there isnt somthing like to much math, I also have to say that there is math you would probabbly never using in programming, unless you have a very creative idea.
Things like lebesge integration, topology, groups. As far as I know, these things will be hardly in use in any program.
By the way, the math in university is a bit different from the math in high school.
I know people that wernt so good in math in high school, but became really good at math in university.
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Original post by Toolmaker
Original post by The C modest godHow is my improoved signature?It sucks, just like you.