quote:Deflation has to be in at the start. Although it may be necessary to devalue the coinage at some stage it''s better avoided. Devaluation is not popular. Thus I''m really looking for ways to get money out of the economy, while at the same time ensuring that players don''t really notice it or, if they do, mind about it.
If there are only 2 empires at start it shouldn''t be too much of an issue, adding a separate coin base at the beginning for each empire shouldn''t be too difficult though. Simply create new db entries for each and another table (very small indeed) which will convert between absolute values (the current coinage you''re using) and the imperial values.
Another consideration is to force the imperial players to spend to gain income. Hording money quickly slows any economy. Just look at the Japanese economy, they (the citizens) are on a 10-year money hording spree and the end result is that they''re quickly running into not only an economic slowdown, but a potentially long term recession/depression. While it would be difficult to simulate the same thing with the vast, unwashed masses, if the government is not spending money fast enough, the economy will quickly slow and thus, the income will slow to a trickle also. I could explain it, but I don''t want to spend too much time on it. Any large group that starts to horde money will cause small dimples in the economy, if enough do this or a large enough group (large portions of the population or the government itself) does it then it can easily cause a recession or even depression.
You know, the reduced economy idea might make a nice idea. Rather than building one massive world with a few shops and DMs wandering around to make sure nobody is cheating, arrange the world as a set of fiefedoms, preferably not run by DMs, maybe players if you design the game right, and by your fuedal lords you get your resources and stuff. It makes oldbies more prominent in the game, but they end up that way anyways and you could probably make the game not in their favor by encouraging revolution, assasination, etc.
:: Inmate2993 :: William C. Bubel "Please refrain from bothering Booster."
Well a communist/socialist society would be only applicable in a japanese dating sim(heh) because unless it was based on need (which one of those isn''t) then the money system wouldn''t be good, even if it was based on need, it would be bad. If I ever make one, ill be sure to use that. The best economy I can think of is a useless one, its the easiest one to maintain. It is made useless by one factor, nothing to do with all the wealth. There are several games: Infantry, Darksun, TechRage... they all come to mind, you can accumulate over a million units of currency in each and in the first two the most expensive thing is 20k, and that is a one time buy thing. The third one has a most expensive item of about 100k, but it is easier to get money there(perhaps 5x easier). With the game I''m making now, as I said before, I don''t have to worry about cash. Items being useless has already been explained on the show. I have about a page full of items that aren''t useful, and actually used in the show. On top of that, if a player starts to save thier money there is something to buy that is expensive, yet if they spend all thier time getting cash they will certainly perish because of the other characters being able to kill them and all. Besides the items people can use the money to put personal bounties on people, and wager on other official fights. With that being said, It wouldn''t matter if someone joined my game and earned 100,000,000k billion dollars, he can''t outbalance the game with it no matter how hard he tries, but he will be able to gamble it away, and make sure someone has everyone who sees him charge into battle. P.S. Make sure that the taxes go back to the ''government'' otherwise the taxation is ...fruitless.
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