
What games to play to get inspiration?

Started by February 21, 2006 04:20 PM
36 comments, last by Jaywalk 19 years ago
i would reccomend final fantasy symphnoic suite or final fantasy orchestra concert 2002!
Any of the lucasarts stuff or the LOTR franchise games (both of which struck me as having great scores in them, although most likley taken from their respective films).

EDIT: Just read what Brian said and have to agree with that
I liked starcraft and warcraft3's songs. Also metal gear solid 2 and 3.
lucasarts, ff, lucasarts, ff, lucasarts...

Good ones, but not the only ones.

Some machines running XP don't like to play it anymore but has anyone tried "Outcast"? The voxel based adventure game from the 90's? Remember voxels?

Anyway, you can find it easy enough in bargain bins everywhere but here's a link to the soundtrack in glorious mp3 courtesy of

Outcast Soundtrack by Lennie Moore

If you can get the game running I suggest playing it versus just listening to the tunes since they really utilizes the performances to the gameplay mechanics rather well.

Original post by Breslin Roe
Hello all,

I'm thinking about going on a shopping spree to buy games that would serve as inspiration for composing orechestra scores. Any suggestions?

Oh, man! If you're going on a shopping spree for orchestral inspiration, please look beyond games. Most of the best orchestral composing in games can't hold a candle to the best film scores, much less concert works. Not to be too hard on games. It's still a young industry, and the limitations are only now starting to lift. But it is for those very reasons that you will find much more depth of inspiration in other works.

If anybody is interested, I'll compile a list of noteworthy orchestra scores that have influenced a lot of today's orchestral writing both in games and films and post it here.

EDIT: Actually I offered this before but got no response so I never posted the list. I'm still happy to do it if others find this useful.
Thanks for all the suggestions!

I do own a fair amount of movie soundtracks, so I know that movie score quality far exceeds that of games. My sound is kinda a hybrid of Final Fantasy MIDI and a movie score (Williams, Elfman, Zimmer,ect). Like everyone in here I am contantly learning and growing as a composer; and my main focus now is instrumentation. So I am looking for influences to help. Someone mentioned LucasArts (didn't realize they used non-John Williams music!) I will check it out for sure.
Final Fantasy IX (Actually pretty much anything from Squaresoft will do)
Legend of Legaia (Kinda unheard of PSX game..I love it!)
Crash Bandicoot Warped
Pokemon (Kiddish, but the music is good for GB)
Originality is dead.
I myself think the music for Iko and the Shadows of the Colossus is beautiful.
i liked ice wind dales music as well as the all the MYST games, dark crystal was good too!. with how games are nowadays, i think you should really look to movie soundtracks like muzo72 said. the games are more like movies, and the advancements of game audio are coming around too. movies id recomend would be star wars (duh!), the fifth element (particularly the opera part), gary chang music (he wrote music for most of stephen kings movies), blade runner (cant beat vangelis), alan silvestri. those are some of my favs.
As a voice of dissent, movie soundtracks are all well and good but they're often closely tied into the cinematography. You can't do that to the same extent in games so you need to think more carefully about how to ensure the track works with the game through its entire length, and perhaps how to loop it.

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