
How Is "Gaming" Colleges like??

Started by February 13, 2006 11:12 AM
19 comments, last by dfalcone 18 years, 9 months ago
I just thought I would reply because when I was in high school I had a similar mind-set. In my teenage years, all I wanted to do was be a musician and/or producer. I didn't understand why I was forced to learn all of that stuff in high school that was unrelated to my career goals. I managed to do my work and graduate high school with a 3.3 GPA, which isn't horrible, but I wish I had done better. Where did I go from there? Berklee Music in Boston. I enrolled, then dropped out within a week. WHAT? WHY? Because I realized that my big dream didn't seem so wonderful anymore. I learned everything there was to learn about rock music before I got to school, and when I got there I realized that my dream career wouldn't be very challenging...except for trying to get a job or start a management company. The music industry is VERY competitive... more going on luck than talent.

Okay, so when I finally got might foot in the Music College door, I woke up to reality. I attended UMass Amherst instead the following semester. That is where I am now. I was undeclared for a year, just taking general requirement classes. Beginning of my sophomore year, I decided Classics as a major. WHY???? Because my Latin teacher in high school was the best teacher I ever had, he made me like it. I also really enjoyed a class on Greece and Rome in high school. So I just jumped right into the major, and it was the best decision ever! I love ancient history, and I would have never known it if I didn't give it a try.

Just go to college, take a bunch of different classes, and eventually you will find something that you will enjoy studying for 4 years. Trust me, not on job placement, but on character. Once you are near graduating, like I am, you will realize how much you have learned and grown as a person. I used to feel like an adult in high school, but now I realize that I was still just a kid. Also many college students are/still act like kids. Maybe if I'm lucky someday, I might be able to work for a game company... think Homeric Epic in 1st Person 3d, hellz ya.

Hope you want to go to college now. And don't worry about language requirements...its not hard to get Bs. It is hard to get As though. Latin or Spanish are probably the easiest ones. Greek isn't too bad either, if you are good at memorizing.


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