I'm going to choose not to respond to your page long essay, and simply say.
I never proposed this idea as the way to make MMO's.
Most of my ideas are based upon what games have already done, if you've never played those games, you can't possibly understand how the mechanics work.
There is no REAL reason for a couple things, other than the fact that they are sheerly my opinion.
Are you going to ask me why it is my opinion now?
I simply proposed a couple opinions and ways they would work.
If you take everyhting I say as an impossibility, you are obviously uninformed.
Google Shadowbane.. Do image searches for "Shadowbane Battles"
You guys are asking for a dev journal of information that I quite frankly, don't feel like writing down.
Power to the Players
----------------------------------------------------------Rating me down will only make me stronger.----------------------------------------------------------
"There is a pretty high chance you will be flamed and not get the responses you want.
Now, this is nothing to do with the Gamedev community being mean, or anything to do with you personally. It's probably got to do with the way you are writing your post."
This shamino is from the faq for this board.
Typically on this board, expect to get what you posted ripped apart, only yo be analyzed. They are look at what you posted, and they comment on what you have brought to the table. What seems like flames are only questions to get you to elaborate more, from your perspective.
Please tell us how these features will blind together, do not site games where these features have already been achieved. Instead, how you interperate one game another will look at it another. Its your idea, explain in detail, not cut and dry, but how it might in your mind work.
My last comment though, to place all power into the communities hands, you have to avoid choas. To do so, impliment them into a pre-made game society with its own morals. I'll leave the rest to you.
Now, this is nothing to do with the Gamedev community being mean, or anything to do with you personally. It's probably got to do with the way you are writing your post."
This shamino is from the faq for this board.
Typically on this board, expect to get what you posted ripped apart, only yo be analyzed. They are look at what you posted, and they comment on what you have brought to the table. What seems like flames are only questions to get you to elaborate more, from your perspective.
Please tell us how these features will blind together, do not site games where these features have already been achieved. Instead, how you interperate one game another will look at it another. Its your idea, explain in detail, not cut and dry, but how it might in your mind work.
My last comment though, to place all power into the communities hands, you have to avoid choas. To do so, impliment them into a pre-made game society with its own morals. I'll leave the rest to you.
Guess I posted assuming I wouldn't have to write a dev journal to make my ideas valid :\..
----------------------------------------------------------Rating me down will only make me stronger.----------------------------------------------------------
Original post by Shamino
Most of my ideas are based upon what games have already done, if you've never played those games, you can't possibly understand how the mechanics work.
And since you've never designed an MMORPG you can't possibly understand how the design works? No, I think that intelligent people with a wealth of experience with MMORPGs can largely infer the jist of things.
If you take everyhting I say as an impossibility, you are obviously uninformed.
Speaking of uninformed, where did I or spoonbender offer any opinion that it is an impossibility? [In all fairness, Ezbez did] We are offering counter arguments [and in my case a few devil's advocacies] against certain design ideas you've proposed because we am skeptical that some of the elements you advocate support a game that is fun, feasible, and meets your primary goal of a heavy PvP, player driven MMORPG.<br><br><!–QUOTE–><blockquote><span class=smallfont>Quote:</span><table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width=95%><tr><td class=quote><!–/QUOTE–><!–STARTQUOTE–><br>You guys are asking for a dev journal of information that I quite frankly, don't feel like writing down.<!–QUOTE–></td></tr></table></blockquote><!–/QUOTE–><!–ENDQUOTE–><br><br>Well, good luck with that "perfect player drive community" if you can barely get the very highest level direction into print.<br><br>
Christ I'm not a game designer, I just had a freakin idea.
----------------------------------------------------------Rating me down will only make me stronger.----------------------------------------------------------
Original post by Shamino
Guess I posted assuming I wouldn't have to write a dev journal to make my ideas valid :\..
No that isn't true at all. The best approach for posting such an expansive idea is to make a design document. Write it as if you were to talk to a producer for funding for your game. This may sound like a pain, but if you are unable to do this, your idea is simply not fleshed out to a presentable point. This board can help you achieve this state, but first we need to see an organized beginning.
This is the burden of becomming a designer, you must think and rethink your ideas hundreds, maybe thousands of times. Try to see the fualts that one concept can create and what you could do to balance it. And remember that a human being is playing it, look for any possible exploit.
Also, since you are proposing an idea for a new, different mmorpg, keep it in theory, as the market for such is not the easiest. Also, remember this, if you are thinking about such a game, there are others waiting for it. I say this becuase, many will bring up that the casual gamer, etc, will not enjoy such a game. But, they seem to forget that there are many games catering to that gamer. And that what you are doing is the exact opposite. You want to cater to the pvp hungry.
Original post by Shamino
Christ I'm not a game designer, I just had a freakin idea.
I think that may be your problem. You did post a game design to a game design forum on a site about game development. Why would anyone assume you weren't designing a game (and, thus, by definition a "game designer")?
A completely valid response to many of the complaints here might be, "This idea isn't for the casual gamer. I'm looking at a more restricted, hardcore PvP audience."
Of course, now you have practical issues like getting enough people to play your game to pay the bills and you might have trouble getting guilds big enough. However, I think the existence of pure PvP servers for MMORPG's shows that people like PvP.
But I'm still curious about one thing. If you're not a game designer and didn't want people to criticize your idea (remember, criticism can point out good and bad), then what did you want to get out of posting it?
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to
say something."
I cannot claim to be a wise man, but I can claim to have been a fool. Not sure exactly how long it's been, but there was a time when I too had "freakin" ideas, and I too felt the need to post those ideas on this forum. I just knew I was right, and if others didn't like my idea, they were simply wrong. I couldn't (and still can't) program, but surely my perfect design concept would convince some rich dude to finance my game, and the princess and I would live happily ever after.
I wouldn't quite call the hours upon hours, that I spent trying to convince myself of just how right I was, a waste of time (as I did enjoy the exchange of ideas and as I do think it taught me some valuable lessons), but if I could do it over again, I would use those hours to learn basic programming and design something simple, before professing to know what it takes to create a successful MMO.
say something."
I cannot claim to be a wise man, but I can claim to have been a fool. Not sure exactly how long it's been, but there was a time when I too had "freakin" ideas, and I too felt the need to post those ideas on this forum. I just knew I was right, and if others didn't like my idea, they were simply wrong. I couldn't (and still can't) program, but surely my perfect design concept would convince some rich dude to finance my game, and the princess and I would live happily ever after.
I wouldn't quite call the hours upon hours, that I spent trying to convince myself of just how right I was, a waste of time (as I did enjoy the exchange of ideas and as I do think it taught me some valuable lessons), but if I could do it over again, I would use those hours to learn basic programming and design something simple, before professing to know what it takes to create a successful MMO.
You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.
all you failed.
as point of industry view, he's form of description is kind of bad Yes.
but this is what mmo hardcore gamers mostly want these days.
people want more exciting, realistic, dynamic world.
all we need is alternative plan not to just drop casual gamers while focusing the game for hardcore gamers.
as point of industry view, he's form of description is kind of bad Yes.
but this is what mmo hardcore gamers mostly want these days.
people want more exciting, realistic, dynamic world.
all we need is alternative plan not to just drop casual gamers while focusing the game for hardcore gamers.
In order to implement such a design you have to find a very good way to balance the resources because as I see it, if you have these they are the ultimate source of power in the game. If you don't have the resources to build towns/wage war then you don't get anywhere.
I think it would need a very large map and surely there would need to be diversification of resources distributed UNEVENLY across the map. Provided you have balanced so that no one group could feasibly control the entire map, they will have to establish some relations of trade with those that can provide goods they can't get in their area but which are vital to success. In this way disputes will take place but there would also be neccessity for diplomacy and alliance.
It is true that the OP didn't want to work out all the details but this is an increasingly common request from the community. It needs refinement but I daresay there is somthing to it.
I think it would need a very large map and surely there would need to be diversification of resources distributed UNEVENLY across the map. Provided you have balanced so that no one group could feasibly control the entire map, they will have to establish some relations of trade with those that can provide goods they can't get in their area but which are vital to success. In this way disputes will take place but there would also be neccessity for diplomacy and alliance.
It is true that the OP didn't want to work out all the details but this is an increasingly common request from the community. It needs refinement but I daresay there is somthing to it.
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