
GIMP question

Started by February 10, 2006 09:49 AM
6 comments, last by eedok 18 years, 11 months ago
Hello, I'm trying to do the tutorial found here: (sorry don't know how to do clickies) Anywho, I'm stuck on this step:
First duplicate the image layer by going to the layers dialog, making sure the image layer is selected, and clicking the duplicate button (fourth from the left). We can use the original layer for some color tricks later. Now the next thing is to desaturate the image (<Image> Layers -> Colors -> Desaturate). This way the colors will not interfere with the fake thresholding. When the layer is grayscale, select the curves editor (<Image> Layers -> Colors -> Curves). Now we can play with the Value "channel". The image on the left displays the settings used for the example image. The space between the two dots determines how much aa the resulting image will have. The wider the gap, the more grayscale values it will have, and vice versa. The resulting image can be seen on the right.
It says to make sure to select the image... I don't how to make sure but I have something selected, I tried everything but the desaturate tool is always grayed out in the menu!! Know what I'm doing wrong?
first I just want to clarify I'm not a GIMP pro.

I've just tried and found out that the only reason that makes 'Desaturate' gray is the mode of the image not being RGB, so most probably you are working on a grayscale image.

you can change it by <image> Image -> Mode -> RGB, now 'Desaturate should work'.
Yeah thanks a lot, that was it!

I'm trying to do the transition from photoshop to gimp. I can't afford the big software but GIMP is tough to adjust to (and I was no pro at photoshop either but still...)

I'm trying to learn how to colour a sketch I make and it's killing me!! :P

But thanks a lot! Rate++!

Edit: Hey I have another question! :D

This time it has to do with this tutorial:

Now I'm having problems with all the layers. First of all, do I load my jpg image (sketch.jpg) or do I create a File>New... canvas followed by the import of my image?

Also, is the "sketch" layer the layer first created?

Create a new image of the wanted size and place below the sketch layer a pure white background layer. Now turn the mode for the sketch layer into multiply. From now the sketch layer will stay forever over the others.

This doesn't actually work. If I put the white background's mode in multiply THEN the sketch stays on top. Was this a mistake on his part or am I doing something wrong?

And last but not least: When, in step 2, he adds the "detail" layer, what kind of layer is it? Transparent, foreground colour, background, or white? These questions might seem really simple but they're important to a newb like me who can't seem to get this simple tutorial to work! ack!

Thanks again for any help ;-)
thanks for the rating [smile]
I'm a programmer, and I know I have - nearly - no talent, However, I'm one of GIMP lovers, and I use it every now and then to make some retouching or modification to the images I get from my artist.

I know the transition from Photoshop to GIMP is hard, so if you need anything ask here in GD Forums or even PM me, I'd be glad to help.

btw, a guy tried to change GIMP's interface to be more like Photoshop, and he came up with GIMPShop. may be you want to try it.

have a nice day.
Yeah I tried gimpShop...

I don't know if you tried it out but I think it's ridiculous (no offense to the guy who made it). I mean all it does is put GIMP's windows into one wrapper window without changing any of the actual interface. In the wrapper window's menus you have the File, Windows, and Help. If you go to the Windows menu the only option in the GIMP's window lol...

But I'll definatly take you up on that offer ;-) (I'm also just a programmer... or I should say I'm a software engineering student... so I guess that makes me a wannabe programmer hahaha!)
well, I didn't like GIMPShop either :) I never was a Photoshop user.
but re-arranging the menus of the GIMP may make it less confusing for people used to photoshop.

The tutorial works gr8 with me.

here's what I did:

  1. right-click on the image and save it to the hdd

  2. in GIMP, create a new image of the same size as the image and with a white background

  3. choose <image> File > Open as layer, then choose the image file you've just saved

  4. now, continue with the tutorial but keep in mind that sketch layer should be always on the top of all layers and all the layers you are going to create from now on are transparent and lie between the background layer(which is plain white) and the sketch layer.

Wow, that is just amazing! I can finally add colour to my sketches :)

You have *no* idea how grateful I am, hehehe!
for reference:
to do
you have to put
<a href=""></a>

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