
The unique character system - MMORPG pondering

Started by February 06, 2006 06:49 AM
10 comments, last by ApochPiQ 19 years ago
Original post by makeshiftwings
I think this would turn into the same exact thing. You'd get a bunch of sites up on the net like Thotbott that would show you what you the exact percentages of every combination on every server, and which is the least used combination on your server at any time

That would be true IF these stats were static, and not in constant fluctuation.

They would have to check what the most uncommon combination is by somehow hacking into every players stats on every server, run every spell and item through a mass averaging program, and finally reporting that 'X+Y+Z' is the best power, updating daily. Of course, even if everyone was told this, even if it was part of the standard game features, it wouldn't have much effect on the world. Good players would know that if the best combination possible is being published, there is a good chance a lot of people are going to rush towards it as soon as it gets updated. This might only last a week though, because as the number of people using this combination increases, the effectiveness of it wears off. So the smart players would look at this best combination, analyse it, and only incorporate bits of it into their build. Maybe part 'X' is a very rare element, and so there is a fair chance not many people will be using this anyway, so spending a bit of time finding it might be a good idea. 'Y' could be common as sugar, so it's probably not a good idea to incorporate it into the characters build anyway, since it will probably be useless in a few weeks.

This could make two very different styles of characters emerge. Those who play every day, and are constantly changing the character to have near the best build at any given moment, always seeking elements that might have the best buffs, but are fluctuating weekly. Then there are the players that seek out the elements which are more uncommon, and although it might take longer to get to the top, and more time seeking out elements that a lot of players ignore, you could build a more stable long term character. It’s like riding the stock market in some ways; Fast and risky, or slow and steady =P

ApochPiQ: I like that idea. It sounds more like a structured recipe system, almost like the ‘socket’ system from Diablo 2. But couldn't people just do what Makeshiftwings was suggesting, and just post a list of all the incantations you need to build an uber character on Thotbott?
Original post by boolean
ApochPiQ: I like that idea. It sounds more like a structured recipe system, almost like the ‘socket’ system from Diablo 2. But couldn't people just do what Makeshiftwings was suggesting, and just post a list of all the incantations you need to build an uber character on Thotbott?

The idea is to decouple the incantation symbols/words/etc. from the internal game mechanism of acting on the incantations. So even if I have the magic words on paper IRL, it doesn't do me any good in-game; I can't just type them into a box and "get" the spell effect. To make use of them, I have to find the right people and representations of those words in-game - I've got to find the scroll that has the same magic words on it, and the priest who can read it. Since that scroll is a game item, as well as the priest, they can be controlled by game mechanics, and access to that incantation (and its associated power) can therefore be artificially constrained, if needed, in the interests of balance.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

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