Original post by toXic1337
Um... this is clearly some sort of high school senior project or something. Having had to do one for my senior year, I found my mentor on the forums.
Stop leading this guy around in circles, he knows what he needs for his project he hasn't asked for someone to write his game for him. He's merely looking for a mentor at this point so he can move on to the next stage of his project.
These projects require documented meetings with a mentor and there is no "faking" it. What I did was to gain a mentor on the helpwanted forums and then exchange information such as name, email, and IM screen names. I got the mentor to send my teacher an email instead of a signature and she was more than understanding.
@44cll: The Help Wanted section is where I found my mentor when I was going through this process. I would offer you my expertise but I don't really consider myself qualified outside of 2D Side-scroller / Top-Down type games. Feel free to pop many any questions you might come across though, and I'll do my best to answer.
Thank you toXic,
c'mon guys it is just a school project. Take it easy. I'm not trying to pass a bill or anything. I just need someone to lend some tips and advice when needed. I guess I'll go to the help wanted section. Thank you to those who have been helpful.