
AngelScript 2.5.0c released

Started by January 15, 2006 07:41 PM
44 comments, last by WitchLord 19 years ago

i have a method that returns a pointer to a point.

long CScript::GetData (long scriptNum, scriptObjectType **object)
{ .... }

previously, i can register it as scriptObjectType*&

does a && works ?

r = scriptEngine->RegisterObjectMethod("srScript", "int GetData(int, scriptObjectType&&)", asMETHOD(CScript, GetData), asCALL_THISCALL);
A reference to a reference is illegal in C++. It probably is in AS, too.
Assuming the scriptObjectType supports object handles, then you should be able to register the function like this:

"int GetData(int, scriptObjectType @ &out)"

(out is a keyword, not the parameter name)

To C++ this would look like **. You just need to make sure the object handle returned in the parameter has the reference accounted for.

In a future release I intend to reintroduce support for pointers again, in which case you would be able to register the function exactly as it is in C++. But it will probably be a while before I can get that done. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game

scriptObjectType is not a class, so i cannot handle the referencing.

any other ways to do it ?

typedef struct
string name;
asIScriptContext* script;

long armourType;
long weaponType;

} scriptObjectType;
You have two options. Either change the implementation of scriptObjectType to support object handles, or write wrapper functions for the function that take a pointer to a pointer.

Alternative 1:

typedef struct{  string name;  asIScriptContext* script;  long armourType;  long weaponType;  int refCount;  scriptObjectType() {refCount = 1;}  void AddRef() {refCount++;}  void Release() {if( --refCount == 0 ) delete this;}  scriptObjectType &operator=(const scriptObjectType &other) { ... copy everything except the refCount ... }} scriptObjectType;Then when registering the type register the constructor, assignment operator, and the addref and release behaviours.

Alternative 2:

long GetData_wrap(int a, scriptObjectType &ot){  scriptObjectType *tmp = 0;  long r = GetData(a, &tmp);  ot = *tmp;  delete tmp;  return r;}

Then register this as

"int GetData(int, scriptObjectType &out)" - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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I'm very pleased to see those results. [smile] Though it doesn't really surprise me. It's only common sense that fixed types are faster than dynamic types as the VM has less to do.

In regards to your suggestion; This is already implemented. You just have to compile the library with the flag BUILD_WITHOUT_LINE_CUES defined. This will remove most of the BC_SUSPEND byte codes, while still guaranteeing at least one per loop so that endless loops can be broken with a timeout.

This flag and others are documented in the as_config.h file.

Andreas - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game

Now if someone only does the same test with LUA =)
okay, i used the second method.

long GetData_wrap(int a, scriptObjectType &ot)
scriptObjectType *tmp = 0;
long r = GetData(a, &tmp);
ot = *tmp;
delete tmp;
return r;

Then register this as
"int GetData(int, scriptObjectType &out)"

when i use it in script, it crashes.

scriptObjectType &myData
int r = GetData(2, &myData);

i still want to point to the original data in memory.

btw, how do i know which line has error? in the previous version, i can get a string during the Build stage.

If you need the original object that was allocated by the C++ function, then you cannot use that way of wrapping the call.

Instead you could wrap the scriptObjectType, in a sort of smart pointer. Kind of like how the asCScriptString (in the add_on directory) has been implemented, except that your wrapper class would hold a pointer to the allocated memory, instead of keeping a local member of the object.

You can still get the line number. There are various functions for doing this depending on the situation:

GetCurrentLineNumber - The line that is currently being executed
GetExceptionLineNumber - Gets the line where the script raised an exception
GetCallstackLineNumber - Allows you to examine the call stack

Andreas - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game

meaning option 1 is the only better way?

so to be safe, all classes should have the AddRef, DecRef ?

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