Original post by ApochPiQ
I've just been thinking along similar lines for the X series over at Egosoft.
That's awesome. [cool] The X series, being an old Elite fan, keeps my faith in gaming going.
In X3 we had a fundamental problem: new players face an incredibly steep learning curve.
I'm curious: Is the idea of built-in levels of layered complexity, both in terms of UI and even (to some degree) the flight and combat model, feasbile from a development standpoint? (i.e., here's your crappy class A shuttle, the controls are simple, but the ship is tactically weaker simply because it's a vessel with less features; if you want fancier moves, you'll have to get the class B, etc.)
However, ironically, the first X game I think is one of the few that really did it "right." The tutorial was presented entirely in the context of the gameplay (flight testing your new spaceship).
Yeah, one of the things I most liked about this was that I was immediately playing the game-- the immersion was there (I'm a test pilot, not a newbie), the universe was safe for some experimentation, and (unlike many mission-based games) I got a real early taste of freedom.
Now, cracking the fourth wall can be extremely funny - if it is done right. Sadly, most designers seem to think that it's OK to just bulldoze the entire wall and pretend it doesn't exist, and that detracts from the experience.
Agreed, and particularly easy to do when both designer and QA staff have forgotten what it was ever like to be a newbie. I know that in many of the places I worked the tutorial was nearly an afterthought, something of a nuisance.
The concept I've been kicking around is to return to in-game education. I think this stems from the same basic issue as "Experiment Mode" - players need to learn how they can affect the world, but they don't want to sacrifice valuable playing time to do it. Especially in this era of increasingly casual gamers, we need a mechanism that lets people always move forward, or at least never go too far back/laterally.
Consider that there also might be a trust issue, as well, particularly if the game is large and the player cannot discern the pattern for surprises or how certain systems work. The player may never even discover certain content because they don't know to work to find it, and don't trust that it's worth investing the time to look. Freelancer, for example, has a number of treasure caches sprinkled throughout its stellar maps, but I've never bothered to search for more than a few because the empty-space-to-reward ratio is so high.
If, OTOH, I get a sense of what might be out there, and a general idea of where it might be, then I'll not only search, I'll have fun in the searching. I think this not only applies to item, but to experiences, particularly those that arise from experimenting and taking risks.
To use a concrete example, I'd take the X series (since I spend most of my design-mode time thinking about it anyways [wink]). Start the player out in their spaceship, and they have to get some kind of intergalactic driver's license. Fly around these space-cones, park between these holographic lines, get your little futuristic license card, have fun. Need to learn how to fight the Evil Space Aliens? Head over to the Star Arcade and play the "games" there. Need to learn how to make a profit trading Widgets with the Heathen Natives? Go off to some other kind of "simulator" and goof around.
Haha, I've been thinking about the same exact thing as a Grand Tour for an open ended game. It was spurred by my friend's refusal to leave the starting town of Morrowind because he was unsure of how deadly the world was, what his options were, and what awaited him.
Another component of this that might work is lore. Something as simple as log messages (as in the old Starflight games) that tell about places the player hasn't yet been could be a very immersive way of encouraging them to train, experiment and seek out new experiences. Having two pilots talk about barely surviving the "skipspace manuever" (or whatever) I think can generate genuine interest in what the heck it is, what it's used for, and how its done.
There's two important aspects to this in my mind. First, the simulation has to have a rich subset of real gameplay, so that the player can genuinely learn by using the simulator. Second, the simulation should never affect players in a way that makes the "regular game" dull.
One thing I'd like to try is to tightly interrelate these two things so that they don't exist in a vaccuum. I like the idea of making it more immersive, but what about the possibility of earning notice or money for the simulation? (I'm thinking of the old movie The Last Starfighter, where video games act like actually talent scouts)
I think if the "real virtual world" leaks into the "virtual virtual world" you are right back to the problem of how to keep the player experimenting, but I think it would be very immersive to at least have SOME crossover between these two aspects.