
Completely Free Music

Started by January 06, 2006 11:35 AM
5 comments, last by MattMcFarland 19 years, 1 month ago
I've got several tunes now on my collection, and just wanting to increase exposure to all who are into music. My site has a flash player or you can download the mp3's Just added a couple new tunes yesterday, they're at the top.. If anyone uses my stuff, I'd just like some credit, and a link :)
--------------------------------Royalty-Free Music for your games including freeware games for you to enjoy!
Very nice work, these are fantastic tunes to go with say game demos :)
First of all, thank you guys.. Second of all, I make literally dozens of songs but I hardly put them on the site. Some are better than others on the site though, and sometimes I remove the songs that dont "cut" it.

I've just added two songs since last post, and I think they're pretty good. Check 'em out!!!!!!!!!! :D
--------------------------------Royalty-Free Music for your games including freeware games for you to enjoy!
Original post by Marvin
Very nice work, these are fantastic tunes to go with say game demos :)

I can only agree. I just listened to 'Nintendo!', 'Game Boy!!!' and 'Put into Stone' and they are some very catchy tunes.

The Nintendo one reminds of the second level in Super Mario Bros., calm and almost relaxing in the beginning, but at the same time the bass sounds dark and makes it perfect for some cool boss battle I think [grin]

I especially liked 'Put into Stone' because like you've written, it makes you feel like you're travelling, with a steam driven locomotive down a mine is my guess.

Your music should certainly be in some really cool games, good work!
Just curious Matt, have you gotten much credits for the free music you're offering? Personally, I haven't seen it anywhere, but I'm sure people are using it.

Hey Anthem, the only game I'm aware of that uses my songs and is finished is Zarconia 2. I've received a few emails with peeps telling me they're using my music, but I haven't seen anything else finished yet! My site is only 2 1/2 months old, and a lot of the songs are still pretty new so it will be hard to evaulate how this all turns out until later.

--------------------------------Royalty-Free Music for your games including freeware games for you to enjoy!

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