
Update X11 to 7.0

Started by January 01, 2006 02:21 PM
4 comments, last by Halsafar 18 years, 8 months ago
December 21, 2005 the new release of X11 came out. In hopes that it resolves many of the issue's I am having with my laptop and X I wish to update but not sure where to start. X.ORG provides no pre-build binaries, and no tar for the entire source. The source is all there but there is no easy way to download like all 10,000+ files... Using Mandriva 2006 is there a simple way to update? Or do I have to wait for some pre-build binaries to release?
I've never used Mandriva so I couldn't tell you what to expect for binary releases, but if you want to build it yourself, grab the 6.9 release. It contains the same code improvements as 7.0, but with the traditional build system and the monolithic source tree.
Free Mac Mini (I know, I'm a tool)
You should google for Mandriva-specific RPMs. It is possible that someone has made them. Otherwise it will be a pain as the package management is likely to break if you replace many important libraries without repackaging them properly.
Over 270 modules/packets/whatever. Man, and I thought Gnome was bad [smile]
Quote: Original post by Shadowdancer
Over 270 modules/packets/whatever. Man, and I thought Gnome was bad [smile]

I believe they did that on purpose. I can't remember why, though.
If its going to be a pain in me arse to update manually without the rpm then I guess I'll live with the problems my current X installation is causing. (See post about OPenGL crashing KDE and other Window Managers except failsafe).

ALtho my hopes are not shot I do believe that X will have a Mandriva `06 build very soon unless Mandriva has some huge problems with the new version.

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